Section 341.030 - Employees; authority of Administrator1. In addition to the Administrator and the Deputy Administrator for Professional Services, each employee who is classified as an architect or an engineer must maintain a license to practice architecture or engineering in the State of Nevada.2. The Administrator may: (a) Administer the Division's programs.(b) Approve claims and partial payments.(c) Negotiate and execute contracts and other documents.(d) Approve authorized change orders and endorsements to authorized contracts.(e) Select and commission professional or technical firms or other persons for checking plans, testing, surveying and providing necessary consulting or professional services.(f) Use the criteria adopted by the Board pursuant to NRS 338.1375 to determine the qualification of bidders on contracts for public works of this State.(g) Award a contract for a public work of this State to responsive and responsible contractors.(h) Except as otherwise provided in NRS 341.100, administer the Division's employees, including hiring and firing.(i) Perform such other functions as may be required for the efficient administration of the Division's programs.(j) Approve the architecture of all buildings, plans, designs, types of construction, major repairs and designs of landscaping.(k) Adopt A-E selection procedures, design standards, general provisions for contracts, contract forms and other standards that are needed to ensure the construction and maintenance of facilities at a reasonable cost.(l) Select architects, engineers and other professional consultants for contracts for professional services.(m) Report to the Board the selection of architects, engineers and other professional consultants for contracts for professional services.(n) Solicit bids for the construction of a project.(o) Execute the forms necessary for the final acceptance of work that is completed for a project.(p) Terminate a contract for good cause.(q) Accept money and establish funds for projects not previously included in the program for capital improvements and, if required, seek legislative approval.(r) Amend the scope or budget of a project and seek legislative approval for those amendments, if necessary.(s) Delegate the authority of the Division to other state agencies in accordance with NRS 341.119.(t) Review and render final decisions on a protest filed pursuant to NRS 338.142 and determine whether a person filing such a protest must post a bond or other security.(u) Request that a contractor or consultant engage in mediation regardless of whether mediation is required pursuant to the contract with the contractor or consultant.3. The Administrator may delegate his or her authority to take any action pursuant to subsection 2 to a deputy administrator or the Chief of Design.4. No employee may have any personal interest in any project under the jurisdiction of the Division or engage in any activity that is in conflict with policies and procedures of the Division.Nev. Admin. Code § 341.030
Planning Bd., Policy, Procedure and Rules § 1405, eff. 1-20-62; A and renumbered as §§ 1500-1508, 5-3-72; A 11-17-73; 11-1-75; 7-16-76; 1-3-78-NAC A 12-16-82; A by Pub. Works Bd., 3-17-94; R096-04, 12-15-2004; R188-07, 4-17-2008; R106-11, 5-30-2012NRS 341.070, 341.100, 341.110