- Section 319.951 - Definitions
- Section 319.953 - "Applicant" defined
- Section 319.955 - "Code" defined
- Section 319.956 - "Compliance period" defined
- Section 319.957 - "Day" defined
- Section 319.958 - "Declaration of restrictive covenants and conditions" defined
- Section 319.961 - "Project sponsor" defined
- Section 319.962 - "Qualified allocation plan" defined
- Section 319.964 - "State ceiling" defined
- Section 319.965 - "Tax credit" defined
- Section 319.967 - Compliance with qualified allocation plan; action or statement by Division not implied or express representation or warranty of financial feasibility
- Section 319.968 - Recording of declaration of restrictive covenants and conditions
- Section 319.970 - Annual plan: Publication by Division; contents; application form
- Section 319.971 - Annual plan: Public hearings before adoption; notice of hearing; adoption; training sessions; fees
- Section 319.972 - Initial apportionment of tax credits; set-aside accounts; priorities; preference points; reservation of tax credits; unused tax credits
- Section 319.974 - Application: Submission; grounds for rejection; review and retention of rejected applications; subsequent reservation rounds
- Section 319.975 - Application: Review and determination of eligibility for reservation or award of tax credits; written notice to applicant; request for review of determination; restriction
- Section 319.977 - Application: Tentative ranking; proposed reservation of tax credits; request for review by Administrator; proposed reservation subject to change
- Section 319.978 - Final determination of reservation of tax credits; written notice to applicant; change in status of applicant; liability of Division
- Section 319.979 - Submission of progress report by project sponsor
- Section 319.980 - Carryover of reserved tax credits; written request; report of compliance with certain provisions of Code; limitation on carryover
- Section 319.981 - Closure of project after receiving reservation of tax credits; extension of time; termination of reservation; reapplication; fees
- Section 319.983 - Submission of final application for tax credits upon completion of project; determination of amount of award; additional statements and forms
- Section 319.984 - Administrative review of certain determinations and actions; written request for review; procedure for hearing; transcript of hearing; representation of parties; further proceedings and investigation; final decision; judicial review
- Section 319.985 - Receipt of application, notice or other document; computation of time
- Section 319.986 - Repealed
- Section 319.987 - Repealed
- Section 319.988 - Repealed
- Section 319.989 - Repealed
- Section 319.990 - Repealed
- Section 319.991 - Repealed
- Section 319.992 - Repealed
- Section 319.993 - Repealed
- Section 319.995 - Compliance with certain provisions during compliance period; preparation of compliance manual by Division; records and reports; annual certification; inspections; notification of noncompliance; fees
- Section 319.996 - Projects financed by tax-exempt bonds: Applicability of certain provisions; application for tax credits
- Section 319.998 - Fees
- Section 319.999 - Repealed