Section 289.350 - Reports1. Upon employment or termination of a peace officer or upon the activation or termination of the reserve status of a reserve officer, an agency shall notify the Executive Director on a personnel action report form provided by the Commission or its designee. The personnel action report form must be submitted to the Executive Director within 15 days after the date of employment or termination of a peace officer or the activation or termination of the reserve status of a reserve officer.2. An agency shall submit, upon the request of the Commission or its designee, such documentation or information as the Commission or its designee deems necessary to determine whether the standards and provisions of this chapter have been complied with.Nev. Admin. Code § 289.350
Peace Officers' Standards & Training Com., § IX subsec. 4, eff. 5-7-82-NAC A 12-17-87; A by Peace Officers' Standards & Training Comm'n by R102-99, 11-2-99; R066-03, 12-4-2003