- Section 284.880 - Definitions
- Section 284.882 - Administration of screening tests
- Section 284.884 - Maximum allowable concentrations of alcohol in blood or breath of employee; confirmation of positive result on screening test of breath
- Section 284.886 - Screening test for controlled substance required of applicant for position affecting public safety; exception
- Section 284.888 - Request for employee to submit to screening test: Interpretation of grounds; completion of required form
- Section 284.889 - Circumstances under which employee is deemed to have refused to submit to screening test when requested or required; requirement to rescind offer of employment
- Section 284.890 - Transportation of employee to and from location of screening test
- Section 284.892 - Duties of employee who is referred to employee assistance program
- Section 284.893 - Return to work of employee who tests positive for alcohol or controlled substance while on duty
- Section 284.894 - Treatment of applicant who tests positive; treatment of employee who tests positive twice within 5-year period