Nev. Admin. Code § 284.434

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 284.434 - Seasonal positions
1. An appointment to a seasonal position may not exceed 9 months of full-time equivalent service in any 12-month period. A separation from a seasonal position which is a result of the lack of money or the lack of work must be made in accordance with NAC 284.608.
2. Persons eligible for seasonal reemployment must be offered employment in the order that they appear on the seasonal reemployment list before another type of list of eligible persons may be used.
3. Reemployment rights extending 1 year from the date of a seasonal employee's date of separation:
(a) Must be granted if the employee has attained permanent status; or
(b) May be granted, at the discretion of the appointing authority, if the employee has not attained permanent status, if the employee's last rating of performance was standard or better.
4. For the purposes of this section, a person's right to reemployment is limited to a seasonal position in the same class, option and department in which he or she last worked, except that an appointing authority may:
(a) Reemploy a former employee who held a seasonal position in another department if he or she is otherwise eligible.
(b) Reemploy a former employee who held a seasonal position in a comparable class if he or she is otherwise eligible and the Division of Human Resource Management approves.
5. To be eligible for reemployment, the former employee must:
(a) Notify the agency, in writing, stating the locations where he or she seeks reemployment; and
(b) Be available for the entire term of employment.
6. Seasonal reemployment lists must be maintained by the employing department, taking into account the provisions in subsection 1 of NAC 284.360 and subsections 3, 4 and 5 of this section.
7. An incumbent in a permanent position may request a seasonal position. By the voluntary acceptance of a seasonal position, an employee gives up any right to return to his or her former permanent position but, if eligible, may be reappointed.

Nev. Admin. Code § 284.434

[Personnel Div., Rule VI part § J, eff. 3-3-77] - (NAC A by Dep't of Personnel, 10-26-84; 8-1-91; 11-16-95; A by Personnel Comm'n by R183-03, 1-27-2004)

NRS 284.065, 284.155