Section 284.650 - Causes for disciplinary actionAppropriate disciplinary or corrective action may be taken for any of the following causes:
1. Activity which is incompatible with an employee's conditions of employment established by law or which violates a provision of NAC 284.653 or 284.738 to 284.771, inclusive.2. Disgraceful personal conduct which impairs the performance of a job or causes discredit to the agency.3. The employee of any institution administering a security program, in the considered judgment of the appointing authority, violates or endangers the security of the institution.4. Discourteous treatment of the public or fellow employees while on duty.5. Incompetence or inefficiency.6. Insubordination or willful disobedience.7. Inexcusable neglect of duty.8. Fraud in securing appointment.9. Prohibited political activity.11. Abuse, damage to or waste of public equipment, property or supplies because of inexcusable negligence or willful acts.12. Drug or alcohol misuse as described in NRS 284.4062 and NAC 284.884.13. Conviction of any criminal act involving moral turpitude.14. Being under the influence of intoxicants, a controlled substance without a medical doctor's prescription or any other illegally used substances while on duty.15. Unauthorized absence from duty or abuse of leave privileges.16. Violation of any rule of the Commission.17. Falsification of any records.18. Misrepresentation of official capacity or authority.19. Violation of any safety rule adopted or enforced by the employee's appointing authority.20. Carrying, while on the premises of the workplace, any firearm which is not required for the performance of the employee's current job duties or authorized by his or her appointing authority.21. Failure of an employee who is authorized pursuant to NRS 202.3673 to carry a concealed firearm while on the premises of the public building in which he or she is employed to notify the appointing authority or a designated representative of the appointing authority, in accordance with section 1 of LCB File No. R123-19, that the employee will be carrying the concealed firearm.22. Any act of violence which arises out of or in the course of the performance of the employee's duties, including, without limitation, stalking, conduct that is threatening or intimidating, assault or battery.23. Failure to participate in any investigation of alleged discrimination, including, without limitation, an investigation concerning sex- or gender-based harassment.24. Failure to participate in an administrative investigation authorized by the employee's appointing authority.25. Failure to report the suspension, revocation or cancellation of a professional or occupational license, certificate or permit or driver's license when required pursuant to NAC 284.652.Nev. Admin. Code § 284.650
[Personnel Div., Rule XII § D, eff. 8-11-73] - (NAC A by Dep't of Personnel, 10-26-84; 7-22-87; 12-26-91; 7-1-94; 11-16-95; R031-98, 4-17-98; A by Personnel Comm'n by R065-98, 7-24-98; R147-06, 12-7-2006); A by R118-17A, eff. 9/21/2018; A by R123-19A, eff. 12/21/2020; A by R016-21A, eff. 9/8/2022NRS 284.065, 284.155, 284.343, 284.385, 284.4082