Section 284.258 - Compensation for time spent traveling1. An employee who is otherwise entitled to pay for overtime may earn overtime for traveling if: (a) His or her actual work time and the travel time exceed his or her normal workday of at least 8 hours; or(b) The travel occurs on his or her regularly scheduled day off.2. Such an employee begins traveling when he or she leaves his or her workstation, or home if so authorized, and continues until he or she reaches the geographical location for his or her work assignment.3. In determining the amount of travel time granted, the overtime claimed for additional reimbursement must be justified against the "normal" travel time as determined by the previous travel experience of the agency. If the additional travel time was caused by the employee's choice of transportation, overtime compensation will not be paid for the portion of the travel time that exceeds the "normal" travel time. Unless the appointing authority determines that the additional travel time is justified, an employee who has travel layovers or delays in transportation is limited to 4 hours of overtime, if applicable, plus per diem expenses. An employee may not be compensated for the time spent traveling during the normal time he or she spends commuting to and from work.4. An employee who must travel and stay over to continue work on his or her next regularly scheduled workday is not considered to be working on his or her regularly scheduled day off and is not eligible for overtime pay. Such an employee is allowed to claim the standard per diem expenses.5. Any travel by an employee on a holiday will be compensated pursuant to the provisions of NAC 284.255, 284.256 and 284.257.Nev. Admin. Code § 284.258
[Personnel Div., Rule III § L subsec. 16, eff. 8-11-73; renumbered as subsec. 15, 10-10-76] - (NAC A by Dep't of Personnel, 10-26-84; 7-1-94; R147-01, 1-22-2002)
NRS 284.065, 284.155, 284.175