Section 284.582 - Civil leave with pay to serve on jury or as witness1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, civil leave with pay must be granted to any employee who is required, during his or her normal hours of work, to serve: (b) As a witness in a court or at an administrative hearing if he or she is not a party to the action and the action is not related to his or her job. The period of the leave must not be deducted from the balance of the employee's sick leave or annual leave. An employee who is granted the leave must receive his or her regular pay while on the leave and may retain any fee paid to him or her for serving as a juror or witness.
2. If an employee, in his or her official capacity as a state employee and as part of his or her required duties, serves as a witness during his or her regular working hours, the employee shall accept any witness fee offered and relinquish it to the agency by which he or she is employed.3. If an employee is paid travel expenses and subsistence allowances by the court or public agency for which he or she performs service as a witness, the employee may retain that payment only if the State has not provided payment for the same purpose. If the State has provided such a payment, the employee shall relinquish it to the agency by which he or she is employed.4. In accordance with NRS 6.190, an agency shall attempt to adjust the working hours of employees who work night shifts and are called as witnesses or for jury duty during the day. If an agency feels this is impractical, in the case of jury duty, it shall petition the court to excuse the juror.Nev. Admin. Code § 284.582
[Personnel Div., Rule VII § E subsec. 5, eff. 8-11-73] - (NAC A by Dep't of Personnel, 12-13-83, 10-26-84; 5-27-86; R147-01, 1-22-2002; A by Personnel Comm'n by R145-05, 12-29-2005; R203-07, 4-17-2008)
NRS 284.065, 284.155, 284.175, 284.345