Section 284.539 - Annual leave: Written request; approval or denial; authorized use1. Except as otherwise provided by the Family and Medical Leave Act, an appointing authority shall determine the time when annual leave is taken after considering the needs of the agency and the seniority and wishes of the employee. Annual leave may not be granted in excess of the accumulated annual leave.2. A written request for annual leave that is submitted by an employee within a reasonable time before the date upon which the annual leave is requested to commence must be approved or denied by the appointing authority, in writing, before the date upon which the annual leave is requested to commence or within 15 days after the appointing authority receives the request, whichever is sooner.3. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 7, the appointing authority may deny a request for annual leave for good and sufficient reason. The appointing authority may not prohibit an employee from using at least 5 consecutive days of annual leave in any calendar year.4. An employee shall request annual leave at least 30 days in advance if the need for leave is foreseeable and the annual leave is to be taken in conjunction with a planned leave of absence without pay.5. An employee who has accumulated both annual leave and compensatory time off, and who may lose annual leave at the end of the calendar year, may elect to use the annual leave instead of the compensatory time for approved leave. In all other instances, compensatory time must, as far as practicable, be exhausted before annual leave is used.6. An employee who is receiving benefits for a temporary total disability pursuant to chapters 616A to 616D, inclusive, or chapter 617 of NRS may use his or her accrued annual leave pursuant to NAC 284.5775.7. An appointing authority shall approve a request for annual leave of an employee who is a victim of an act which constitutes domestic violence or sexual assault or whose family or household member is a victim of an act which constitutes domestic violence or sexual assault, and the employee is not the alleged perpetrator if: (a) In accordance with NRS 284.350, the employee has been employed in public service for at least 6 months;(b) The employee has accrued the amount of annual leave necessary to cover the time requested; and(c) The combination of all leave taken by the employee for this purpose does not exceed 160 hours in the 12-month period immediately following the date on which the act which constitutes domestic violence or sexual assault occurred.Nev. Admin. Code § 284.539
Added to NAC by Dep't of Personnel, eff. 10-26-84; A 6-18-86; 9-17-87; 7-14-88; 4-20-90; 3-23-94; 11-16-95; R031-98, 4-17-98; R082-00, 8-2-2000; A by Personnel Comm'n by R145-05, 12-29-2005; R037-17, 10-31-2017, eff. 1-1-2018
; A by R165-24A, eff. 10/23/2024NRS 284.065, 284.155, 284.345, 284.350, 608.0198