Current through December 31, 2024
Section 231.176 - Contents of recruitment and marketing plan; update of plan; acceptance, modification or denial; posting plans on Internet website of Office; quarterly reporting on activities1. A recruitment and marketing plan submitted to the Executive Director by a regional development authority must include: (a) Goals for the economic development of the region of this State served by the regional development authority, which must be consistent with the State Plan for Economic Development;(b) Strategies and initiatives for achieving the goals included in the plan pursuant to paragraph (a);(c) Objective criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the regional development authority in achieving the goals included in the plan pursuant to paragraph (a);(d) Any other information that the regional development authority deems essential to describing the plan; and(e) Any other information requested by the Executive Director.2. At the times set forth in any agreement between the Executive Director and a regional development authority, the regional development authority must update the recruitment and marketing plan of the regional development authority which must include:(a) An evaluation of the effectiveness of the regional development authority in achieving the goals included in the plan pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1;(b) Any proposed changes to the objective criteria included in the plan pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 1;(c) Any proposed changes or additions to the plan;(d) Any other information that the regional development authority deems essential to describing the plan; and(e) Any other information requested by the Executive Director.3. The Executive Director may accept, modify or deny a recruitment and marketing plan submitted to the Executive Director by a regional development authority or any update to the plan submitted to the Executive Director by a regional development authority pursuant to subsection 1 or 2, as applicable.4. The Office will post on its Internet website each recruitment and marketing plan, and each update to a recruitment and marketing plan approved by the Executive Director pursuant to subsection 3.5. Not later than 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter, a regional development authority must provide to the Executive Director a quarterly report on a form prescribed by the Executive Director. Each quarterly report: (a) Must include: (1) Information concerning the business recruitment and retention activities of the regional development authority; and(2) Any other information requested by the Executive Director.(b) May include: (1) Information concerning the progress of the strategies and initiatives included in the recruitment and marketing plan pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1;(2) Recommendations for legislative or regulatory changes related to the economic development of the region served by the regional development authority;(3) Recommendations for any changes to the State Plan for Economic Development that the regional development authority believes will improve the State Plan; and(4) Any other information deemed necessary by the regional development authority.6. As used in this section, "recruitment and marketing plan" means the plan regarding the development and enhancement of a recruiting and marketing effort to attract professionals and businesses to the region of this State served by a regional development authority, which is submitted by a regional development authority to the Executive Director pursuant to NRS 231.054.Nev. Admin. Code § 231.176
Added to NAC by Office of Economic Dev. by R159-16AP, eff. 6/26/2018