Section 228.Sec. 3.1 - NEW1. A person who has obtained approval to work as a supervisor of treatment or provider of treatment pursuant to section 2 or subsection 3 or 7 of NAC 228.110, as applicable, must submit a completed application for the renewal of the approval to work as a supervisor of treatment or provider of treatment not later than 3 years after the effective date of the initial approval and every 3 years thereafter.2. The initial approval to work as a supervisor of treatment or provider of treatment may be renewed if the Division determines that:(a) The application for the renewal of the approval: (1) Was submitted in the manner prescribed by the Division;(3) Includes the signature of the applicant; and(b) The applicant:(1) Attests to having satisfactorily completed the continuing education requirements set forth in NAC 228.210;(2) Attests to not having committed any act which is grounds for disciplinary action, unless the Division determines that sufficient restitution has been made or that the act was not substantially related to practicing as a supervisor of treatment or provider of treatment; and(3) Submits any other information required by the Division.3. If an incomplete application for the renewal of the approval is submitted, the Division will notify the applicant of the additional information required to complete the application. If the Division does not receive the additional information within 90 days after the date of the notice, the Division will deny the application.4. If an initial approval to work as a supervisor of treatment or provider of treatment is not renewed in a timely manner pursuant to subsection 1:(a) The Division will revoke the approval; and(b) The person may reapply for an approval pursuant to section 2 or subsection 3 or 7 of NAC 228.110, as applicable.Nev. Admin. Code § 228.Sec. 3.1
Added to NAC by Div. of Pub. & Behavioral Health by R071-20A, eff. 7/28/2021