Section 127.270 - Responsibilities and duties of agency1. If a child-placing agency decides to place a child in a foster home, the agency shall:(a) Select a foster home that is:(1) Licensed pursuant to chapter 424 of NRS; and(2) Appropriate for the child, based upon the emotional and physical needs of the child, and the religious beliefs of the child and his or her parents.(b) Visit the foster home not less than monthly, and more frequently if necessary to satisfy the needs of the child or foster parents.(c) Assist the foster parents in understanding and meeting the individual needs of the children in their care.(d) Ensure that the child receives an appropriate education in accordance with title 34 of NRS.(e) Provide the child with opportunities to obtain religious training in accordance with the religious beliefs of the child and his or her parents.(f) Develop a plan for the biological parents of the child, if available, to visit the child on a continuing basis unless the visits are clearly detrimental to the welfare of the child.2. A child-placing agency is responsible for the health and safety of a child it places in foster care. The agency shall:(a) Cause medical and dental examinations to be conducted upon placement of the child in foster care and not less than annually thereafter;(b) Ensure that the child receives prompt treatment for any illnesses, defects and deformities; and(c) Take appropriate measures to correct remediable defects and deformities.Nev. Admin. Code § 127.270
Added to NAC by Div. of Child & Fam. Services, eff. 11-23-93; A 5-14-96; R067-99, 11-8-99; R056-02, 7-30-2002