Section 272-21-023 - TRAINING COURSE ADMINISTRATION023.01 The instructor or entity providing training will provide the Patrol a schedule of planned courses, to include the date, time and location of each course, a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the start of the course. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Patrol.023.02 The Handgun Training and Safety Course will be of sufficient length to cover all course materials as approved by the Patrol.023.03 All training will be conducted in person by an instructor certified by the Patrol. Videotapes of the instructor instructing, and distance learning are not acceptable. This does not preclude the use of multi-media to enhance learning.023.04 Range training will be live fire exercises and will be conducted at a firing range.023.05 A maximum of 25 students per class will be allowed.023.06 Instructor to student ratios: Classroom - 1 instructor to 25 students
Range/practical exercises - 1 instructor to 5 students
Instructors are encouraged, to have a secondary Range Safety Officer present with the instructor during the live fire exercises.
023.07 The instructor will provide each student with the following: 023.07A Outline of the material instructed;023.07B Current copy of the Concealed Handgun Permit Act;023.07C Current copy of the Concealed Handgun Permit Act Rules and Regulations; and023.07D Printed information on how and where to apply for the concealed handgun permit.023.08 The Patrol may attend any Handgun Training and Safety Course presented for the purposes of auditing the content of the instruction. In order to enhance knowledge of the content of this training course, instructors are encouraged to invite local law enforcement officers and emergency service personnel to monitor courses they teach.023.09 Upon completion of the Handgun Training and Safety Course, the instructor will issue a certificate of completion to each student who passes the course. The certificate of completion will be on the form provided by the Patrol and will contain the following information:1) Instructor's printed name;2) Instructor's signature;6) Student's driver's license or Nebraska identification card number;7) Student's fingerprint from his or her right index finger;8) Statement concluding the student has met the course requirements; and9) Statement concluding the student does not suffer from a readily discernible physical infirmity that prevents the person from safely handling a handgun.272 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 21, § 023
Amended effective 7/19/2022