Section 433-1-017 - ADVISORY BOARD017.01 The Secretary may at his/her discretion seek the advice and counsel of persons holding valid public and private truth and deception licenses on such matters as the Secretary deems necessary. Further, the Secretary may at his or her discretion create an advisory board of persons holding valid truth and deception licenses of which this board will be made up. The board will be made up of four persons holding polygraph examiner's licenses and four persons holding voice stress examiner's licenses. This board shall serve in a non-paid capacity and at the pleasure of the Secretary of State. Notice of a Board meeting shall be given and meetings shall be held as required by the Nebraska Open Meetings Act. The purpose of the board is to advise the Secretary on points concerning the licensing act. This may include but not be limited to: 017.01A. Internship requirements017.01B. Development of the written examination.017.01C. Development of rules and regulations017.01D. Reviewing applications for intern licenses, examiner licenses, training facilities, and intern trainee supervisor applications.017.01E. To review procedures under which examinations are administered.017.01F. To assist during the investigation of complaints against examiners.017.01G. To conduct on-site inspections of intern examiner's facilities, examiner's facilities for license renewal, and to inspect equipment used for testing to verify the equipment's condition.017.01H. To assist during the administration of the written examinations for licensing.017.01I. To provide technical advice to the Secretary in areas of interest to the administration of the licensing act.433 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 017