Section 433-1-013 - QUALIFICATION OF INTERNS013.01 A person is qualified to receive a license as an intern if he or she meets the requirements of the act. Before being issued an intern's license, an applicant shall submit a completed license application, provided by the Secretary which shall include the name, address, qualifications, and internship proposal identifying the intern's training supervisor.013.02 An approved internship or internship training program shall consist of an academic training component and a practical training component, all of the following provisions apply: 013.02A. An applicant shall submit to the Secretary satisfactory evidence of enrollment or completion in a course of instruction in the theory and practice of polygraph or voice stress technique.013.02B. The course of instruction referred to in section 13.02A shall be conducted at a polygraph or voice stress school approved by the Secretary.013.02C. The successful completion of the in-house phase of the school's training by an applicant shall be verified by a letter from the training facility.013.02D. To qualify for an examination for a full license, a school shall issue a certificate that an applicant has met all requirements of the school.013.03 During the course of his or her internship, and subsequent to his or her completion of academic training, an intern shall do all of the following:013.03A. Personally administer not less than 40 polygraph or voice stress examinations, of which not less than 15 shall be specific issue examinations. The first 25 examinations conducted by the intern shall include not less than 5 specific issue examinations, and all 25 examinations shall be supervised on-site by a polygraph or voice stress examiner who holds a current and valid license issued under this act, to act as trainee supervisor. On-site supervision means that a trainee supervisor is personally and immediately available for consultations with the intern and directly observes, either by audio or visual means, or both, the actual conduct of the intern in administering the examination.013.03B. Following the completion of the administration of the first 25 examinations set forth in sub-division (a) of this sub-rule, the intern shall personally administer not less than 15 additional examinations under the supervision of an approved trainee supervisor. The supervision of these additional examinations may, at the discretion of the trainee supervisor, be either direct, on-site supervision or remote supervision.013.03C. The trainee supervisor need not be personally present at the time of the examination, but after the examination the trainee shall provide the trainee supervisor with all relevant data in order that the supervisor may evaluate and critique the intern's performance.013.04 All interns shall maintain a chronological record of all examinations conducted. Such record shall contain as minimum, all of the following information. 013.04A. The name of the examinee.013.04B. The name of the trainee supervisor.013.04C. The date, time and location of the examinations.013.04D. The nature of the examination and whether on-site or remote supervision.013.04E. The number of tests administered during the examination and the intern's opinion on each test.013.05 From the chronological record, the Secretary may randomly select not less than 10 separate examinations, all records, and supportive data which the intern shall make available to the Secretary for inspection. The intern shall verify that the records called for by the Secretary are complete and are the records pertaining to examinations which the Secretary has requested.433 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 013