604.01 Lottery Game Retailers Lottery Game Retailers are required to make payments of prizes of five hundred ($500) or less for any validated ticket. Lottery Game Retailers are prohibited from paying any prize exceeding five hundred dollars ($500).
604.02 Retailers Prize Payment Procedures604.02A Before paying a prize claim, the Lottery Game Retailer shall validate the winning ticket. 604.02A(1) Lottery Game Retailers who pay prizes without validating the ticket do so at their own financial risk. The Division shall not reimburse Lottery Game Retailers for prize claims paid in error.604.02B If the Lottery Game Retailer is unable to validate a prize-winning ticket, the retailer shall provide the ticket holder with a Division claim form and instruct the ticket holder on how to file a claim with the Division.604.02C After a winning ticket is validated and signed by the ticket holder, the Lottery Game Retailer shall physically void the ticket to prevent it from being redeemed more than once. The manner of voiding the ticket will be prescribed by the Division.604.02D Lottery Game Retailers may pay cash prizes in cash, by certified check, cashier's check, business check, or money order, or by any combination of these methods. 604.02D(1) If payment of a prize by a check presented to a claimant by a Lottery Game Retailer is denied for any reason, the Lottery Game Retailer is subject to the same service charges, interest, and penalty provisions that would apply if the check were made payable to the Division.604.02D(2) A claimant whose prize check is denied shall notify the Division to obtain the prize. 604.02E Lottery Game Retailers shall pay claims for five hundred dollars ($500) or less during all normal business hours, unless otherwise directed by the Division.604.02F Prize claims shall be paid only at the location specified in the agreement.604.02G Lottery Game Retailers shall redeem "free ticket" prizes or coupons as indicated in the rules of the game or promotion.604.03 The Division shall reimburse a Lottery Game Retailer for prizes paid within one hundred eighty (180) days after a game ends.604.04 A Lottery Game Retailer shall pay prizes up to an amount not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) won on tickets validated and determined by the Division to be official prize winners, regardless of where the tickets were sold.604.05 Payment delays The Division may refrain from making payment of the prize under Reg-503, Disputes.
604.06 Payment of prizes The Division shall validate the winning ticket claim according to the procedures contained in these regulations.
604.06A If the claim is not valid, the Division shall notify the ticket holder promptly.604.06B If the claim is mailed to the Division, a warrant for the prize amount, or the amount required to be paid, shall be mailed to the winner.604.06C If the claim is presented in person, a warrant for the prize amount less applicable setoffs may be presented to the bearer.604.07 No prize shall be paid unless the ticket and the claim form, if required, are properly completed and all required information is provided.604.08 Payment by Division The Division may pay prizes whenever the Lottery Game Retailer is unable to validate a claim, the prize exceeds five hundred dollars ($500), or whenever a claim is filed with the Division. The Division shall establish policies for paying prizes including "free ticket" prizes.
604.09 One prize per ticket The Division may specify on the ticket or within the rules or procedures for a game that a ticket will only receive one prize. Any lottery ticket bearing the words "only one prize per ticket" shall entitle the ticket holder only to the largest of any prizes won by virtue of ownership of such ticket.
604.09A Any smaller prize that has been paid prior to the awarding of a larger prize, shall be deducted from the larger prize before the larger prize is paid.604.10 Payments in installments Unless the rules or procedures for any specific game provide otherwise, any cash prize of more than one hundred thousand dollars, ($100,000), will be paid in multiple payments over time. The schedule of payments shall be designed to pay the winner equal dollar amounts in each year, with the exception of the first year, until the total payments equal the prize amount less applicable setoffs. Except as provided in the specific game rules or procedures, no schedule of payments shall exceed twenty (20) years nor shall the payments be less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) a year.
604.10A Unless the rules or procedures for any specific game provide otherwise, when a prize or share is to be paid in installments, the Division may round the actual amount of the prize or share to be paid in the subsequent years to the nearest $1,000 to facilitate purchase of an appropriate funding mechanism. The first payment shall be determined by subtracting the amount of the subsequent payments from the total prize.604.10B If a specific game provides for split prizes or subsequent to appropriate judicial order requiring split payment of prizes, when prizes are split and more than one person is receiving payment of the prize, each payment that would have been received by a single winner may be split, or the period of time over which payments will be made, may be reduced to facilitate the purchase of an appropriate funding mechanism. 604.10B(1) The Division may determine the amounts payable in any year by using the total amount of the prize to be paid, rather than the amounts of the shares of the prize. 604.10C Except as otherwise indicated in a specific game's rules, if a prize is advertised as payable for the life of the winner, only an individual may claim the prize. If a claim is filed on behalf of a group, company, corporation, or any other type of organization, the life of the claim shall be as indicated in these regulations or as established in the game rules.604.11 If the Division decides to pay all or a part of a prize in the form of installments over a period of years, the Division shall provide for the payment of all installments by a method established in these regulations, as set out in the game rules or as otherwise determined by the Director:604.12 Interest is not due on payments made in subsequent years. The total payments made shall total the face amount of the prize less applicable setoffs.370 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 600, § 604