206 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 3, § 001

Current through September 17, 2024

The Division provides funding and oversight of six local Regional Behavioral Health Authorities for the provision of publically funded community mental health and substance use disorder services.

001.01REGIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-808, each Regional Behavioral Health Authority must establish and utilize a Regional Advisory Committee for the purpose of advising the Regional Behavioral Health Authority on needs and matters relating to community behavioral health services provided in the Region.
001.01(A)COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP. The Regional Advisory Committee membership must be consistent with Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-808.
001.01(B)COMMITTEE PROCEDURES. Procedures must be established to prevent a conflict of interest for members of the committee who may benefit financially or programmatically from their participation.
001.01(C)MEMBERSHIP LIST. Each Regional Behavioral Health Authority must submit an annual updated list of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the officers and members of the Regional Advisory Committee to the Division by July 1.
001.01(D)MEETINGS. The Regional Advisory Committee must meet quarterly per year at a minimum.
001.01(E)ADVICE PROCEDURES. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must develop procedures for soliciting advice from the Regional Advisory Committee, including procedures for input into the regional planning process, budget development and approval, contracting, evaluation, and other related areas.
001.01(F)DOCUMENTATION. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must document the input received from the Regional Advisory Committee.
001.02MATCHING FUNDS. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must certify in writing to the Division, in a manner specified by the Division, that the required matching funds have been allocated as required by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-808.
001.02(A)FUND CERTIFICATION. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must certify that required match funds in each Region have been appropriated for expenditure during the fiscal year for which the match has been allocated.
001.02(B)FUND EXPENDITURE. The match dollars must be expended for community behavioral health services and for the operation of the Regional Behavioral Health Authority as reported in the Regional Budget Plan, or as amended, if applicable.
001.02(C)ANNUAL AUDIT.The amounts of match dollars certified to the Division by the Regional Behavioral Health Authority and expended during the fiscal year must appear in the annual audit of the Regional Behavioral Health Authority.
001.03ANNUAL REPORT.The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must annually submit to the Division a report summarizing the actual expenditure of funds and revenues received from all sources, in a manner specified by the Division.
001.04DOCUMENTATION. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must provide reports, evaluations, plans, and any other documents as deemed necessary by the Division for monitoring and accountability.
001.05GRANT PROPOSAL. In making any grant application to the federal government, the Regional Behavioral Health Authority must submit the proposal to the Division for review and comment before formal submission to the federal agency.
001.06INSPECTION AND MONITORING. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must permit inspection of all contracts, subcontracts, programmatic records, service records, and fiscal records by the Division. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must allow access for on-site monitoring by authorized representatives of the Division.
001.07COORDINATION. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must facilitate the coordination of community behavioral health providers with other providers and individuals to carry out the Regional Budget Plan.
001.08RECORD RETENTION. The Regional Behavioral Health Authority must maintain contracts, subcontracts, programmatic records, service records, and fiscal records for at least five years following the end of the contract period or until resolution of any audit questions, whichever is later.

206 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 3, § 001

Amended effective 4/11/2015.
Amended effective 6/27/2021