179 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 22, § 006

Current through September 17, 2024

All NTNC public water systems must comply with the first four of the following items. All community public water systems must comply with all the following items.

1. Maintain a sanitary seal on each wellhead.
2. Seal cracks and crevices to prevent entry of vermin, flooding, or other contaminants.
3. Maintain down-turned well casing vents, and where applicable, air release/vacuum relief valves, with 24-mesh corrosion resistant screens.
4. Tightly seal all penetrations into the upper terminus of the well casing.
5. Maintain a means to pump each well to waste.
6. Provide a labeled, dedicated electrical outlet, in each appropriate location for chemical feed equipment.
7. Have a chemical tap available on the finished water discharge line located downstream from the check valve.
8. For systems that are required to disinfect on a continuous basis and have treatment facilities that are not staffed 24 hours per day, the system must provide a means by which a disinfectant is applied accurately on a continuous basis. This does not apply to systems under an Administrative Order that require chlorination for only six months.
9. Record accurate measurement of gallons of water pumped per minute (gpm) and the time pumped or total gallons pumped, for each well not less than once per week.
10. Measure and record static water levels and pumping water levels, and calculate available drawdown in each active well at a frequency of no less than once every three months from October 1 through April 30 of each year, and at a frequency of no less than once per month from May 1 through September 30 of each year. Static and pumping levels must be expressed as the distance in feet from the measuring point at the upper terminus of the well to the water level in the well. Available drawdown must be expressed as the distance in feet between the static water level and the top of the well screen or pump intake whichever is located nearer to the static water level.
11. Have a readily accessible auxiliary power source to provide a supply of safe drinking water for emergency use within 24 hours.
12. Provide and maintain on the premises signage for emergencies and chemical hazards in accordance with 179 NAC 22 Attachment 1.
13. Maintain clean well houses and pumping facilities for the purpose of producing safe drinking water with the emphasis on easy access to those system components requiring periodic attention.

179 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 22, § 006