Beginning no later than six months after the effective date of this chapter, every hospital that treats patients in an emergency department or urgent care setting shall submit to the Department for approval an implementation plan that specifies how and when it will submit acute care encounter data to the Department in compliance with 173 Nebraska Administrative Code (NAC) 9-004 of this chapter. Amendments to a previously approved plan require Department approval. The plan shall include at a minimum:
(A) Timing of messages, either real time or batch;(B) Secure message transport protocols to be used when submitting data to the Department;(C) Proposed format of data if the hospital is not able to conform to the standard electronic message as specified in 173 NAC 9-005;(D) Proposed format code set domain values if the hospital is not able to conform to the code sets defined in standard electronic messages as specified in 173 NAC 9-005;(E) Hospital technical contact(s) and contact information for the Department to utilize in the event technical assistance or support is necessary;(F) Expected date to begin sending messages; and(G) If a change request, the reason for change.173 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 9, § 006
Amended effective 8/10/2021