On or before the credential expiration date, a perfusionist must comply with the continuing competency requirements unless the requirements are waived in accordance with 172 NAC 10. Each credentialed individual or temporary licensee is responsible for maintaining certificates or records of continuing competency activities.
005.01PERFUSIONIST LICENSE. All licensed perfusionists must meet the following competency requirements:(1) Perform a minimum of 80 clinical activities, as defined by American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP), of which no more than 30 clinical activities may be documented intraoperative pump standbys that must be documentable in an audit; and(2) Earn 30 continuing education units (CEUs), as approved by the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP), of which 10 CEUs must be earned in Category 1. Hours are to be earned within the 24 months immediately preceding the date of expiration, except that a licensee who has earned more than the 30 hours required for license renewal for a 24-month renewal period is allowed to carry over up to 15 hours to the next 24-month renewal period.005.01(A)CLINICAL ACTIVITIES. Clinical activities include: (ii) Instructor for a primary bypass performed by a student;(iii) Veno-venous bypass;(iv) Pump assisted coronary or organ perfusion;(v) Cardiopulmonary Support (CPS);(vi) Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO);(vii) Ventricular Assist Device (VAD); and(viii) Documented intraoperative pump standby.005.02TEMPORARY LICENSE. All temporary licensees must perform a minimum of 25 clinical activities as listed in 172 NAC 91-005.01(A), of which none may be documented intraoperative pump standbys.172 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 91, § 005
Amended effective 8/10/2021