The following regulations are prescribed by the Game and Parks Commission, State of Nebraska in accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 37-301, 37-314, 37-4,105, 37-4,106, 37-546 through 37-549, 37-701, and 37-801 through 37-810. For purposes of these regulations, unless context otherwise requires, the definitions found in Chapter 37, sections 202 through 247 of the Game Law, are used. These regulations are effective following enactment by the Commission, approval by the Attorney General and Governor, and when five days have elapsed since filing with the Secretary of State.
White-tailed jackrabbit | Lepus townsendii |
Black-tailed jackrabbit | Lepus californicus |
Reptile and Amphibian Species in Need of Conservation - The following reptile and amphibian species shall be considered nongame species in need of conservation. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale, or ship nongame wildlife in need of conservation unless authorized to do so by the Commission under the authority of a scientific collection permit.
Species with no take:
Smallmouth Salamander | Ambystoma texanum |
American Toad | Anaxyrus americanus |
Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad | Gastrophryne olivacea |
Five-lined Skink | Plestiodon fasciatus |
Great Plains Skink | Plestiodon obsoletus |
Sagebrush Lizard | Sceloporus graciosus |
Western Slender Glass Lizard | Ophisaurus attenuatus |
Mountain Short-horned Lizard | Phrynosoma hernandesi |
Western Worm Snake | Carphophis vermis |
Timber Rattlesnake | Crotalus horridus |
Prairie Kingsnake | Lampropeltis calligaster |
Speckled Kingsnake | Lampropeltis holbrooki |
Eastern Glossy Snake | Arizona elegans |
Smooth Green Snake | Liochlorophis vernalis |
Graham's Crayfish Snake | Regina grahamii |
Plains Blackhead Snake | Tantilla nigriceps |
Western Ribbon Snake | Thamnophis proximus |
Redbelly Snake | Storeria occipitomaculata |
Copperhead | Agkistrodon contortrix |
Terrestrial Garter Snake | Thamnophis elegans |
Blanding's Turtle | Emydoidea blandingii |
Diamondback Water Snake | Nerodia rhombifer |
Regulated Taking of Reptiles and Amphibians - The provisions of 010.03 apply to all species and subspecies of reptiles and amphibians native to Nebraska except those legally designated as Game species, Nongame Species in Need of Conservation, and Threatened or Endangered species. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, possess, transport, export, process, sell or offer for sale, or ship any reptile or amphibian species defined in this section except as provided in 010.03A. No exception to these prohibitions will be provided for export unless granted by the Commission for scientific research or education, or as may be specifically allowed in Commission regulations governing bait dealers or fish dealers as authorized in 37-4,105 and 37-4,106.
Bait Species:
Plains Leopard Frog | Lithobates blairi |
Northern Leopard Frog | Lithobates pipiens |
Species with Take Up to 10 Individuals:
Blanchard's Cricket Frog | Acris blanchardi |
Boreal Chorus Frog | Pseudacris maculata |
Great Plains Toad | Anaxyrus cognatus |
Woodhouse's Toad | Anaxyrus woodhousii |
Plains Spadefoot | Spea bombifrons |
Six-lined Racerunner | Aspidoscelis sexlineata |
Prairie Lizard | Sceloporus consobrinus |
Eastern Racer | Coluber constrictor |
Prairie Rattlesnake | Crotalus viridis |
Ringneck Snake | Diadophis punctatus |
Northern Water Snake | Nerodia sipedon |
Bullsnake | Pituophis catenifer |
Plains Garter Snake | Thamnophis radix |
Common Garter Snake | Thamnophis sirtalis |
Northern Painted Turtle | Chrysemys picta |
False Map Turtle | Graptemys pseudogeographica |
Species with Take Up to 3 Individuals:
Cope's Gray Treefrog | Hyla chrysoscelis |
Gray Treefrog | Hyla versicolr |
Northern Prairie Skink | Plestiodon septentrionalis |
Many-lined Skink | Plestiodon multivirgatus |
Lesser Earless Lizard | Holbrookia maculata |
Great Plains Rat Snake | Pantherophis emoryi |
Western Rat Snake | Scotophis obsoletus |
Western Fox Snake | Mintonius vulpinus |
Western Hognose Snake | Heterodon nasicus |
Eastern Hognose Snake | Heterodon platirhinos |
Milk Snake | Lampropeltis triangulum |
Coachwhip | Masticophis flagellum |
Brown Snake | Storeria dekayi |
Lined Snake | Tropidoclonion lineatum |
Yellow Mud Turtle | Kinosternon flavescens |
Ornate Box Turtle | Terrapene ornata |
Smooth Softshell | Apalone mutica |
Spiny Softshell | Apalone spinifera |
Slider | Trachemys scripta |
Release of Reptiles and Amphibians - It shall be unlawful to release into the wild any live reptile or amphibian after such animal has been transported from one location to another over a distance exceeding 100 yards without the authorization of the Commission
163 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 4, § 010