153 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 001
The following lists of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard codes is adopted by reference in their entirety as they existed on the date these regulations became effective, unless otherwise noted. The full text of these regulations is available for viewing at the office of the State Fire Marshal, 246 S. 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 and at the Nebraska Secretary of State. Rules and Regulations Division, 1201 N Street, Suite 120, Lincoln, NE 68508
Numerical Listing of Adopted NFPA Codes
Fire Prevention Code (with NE Amendments 11-25-19) | 1-2012 ed. |
Fire Extinguishers, Portable | 10-2010 ed. |
Foam, Low, Medium, and High Expansion | 11-2010 ed. |
Sprinkler Systems, installation of | 13-2010 ed. |
Sprinkler Systems, Installation in One-and Two Family Dwellings | 13D-2010 ed. |
Sprinkler Systems, installation in Residential Occupancies | 13R-2010 ed. |
Standpipe and Hose Systems | 14-2010 ed. |
Foam-Water Sprinkler and Spray Systems | 16-2011 ed. |
Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems | 17-2009 ed. |
Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems | 17A-2019 ed. |
Fire Pumps, Stationary Installation | 20-2010 ed. |
Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection | 22-2008 ed. |
Private Fire Service Mains, Installation of | 24-2002 ed. |
Water-based Fire Protection Systems Inspection, Testing and Maintenance | 25-2011 ed. |
Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code | 30-2012 ed. |
Motor Fuel Dispensing Sites and Repair Garages | 30A-2012 ed. |
Oil Burning Equipment, Installation of | 31-2011 ed. |
Spray Application Using Flammable & Combustible Materials | 33-2011 ed. |
Dipping and Coating, Using Flammable or Combustible Liquids | 34-2011 ed. |
Solvent Extraction Plants | 36-2009 ed. |
Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, Stationary | 37-2010 ed. |
Laboratories Using Chemicals | 45-2011 ed. |
Vehicular Natural Gas Fuel Systems | 52-2010 ed. |
Fuel Gas Code, National | 54-2012 ed. |
Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids | 55-2010 ed. |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas | 58-2011 ed. |
Utility LP Gas Plant | 59-2012 ed. |
Agricultural and Rood Processing Facilities, Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions | 61-2008 ed. |
Explosion Prevention Systems | 69-2008 ed. |
Electrical Code, National | 70-2011 ed. |
Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, National | 72-2010 ed. |
Electrical Inspections for Existing Dwellings | 73-2011 ed. |
Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives | 80-2010 ed. |
Incinerators, Waste and Linen Handling Systems | 82-2009 ed. |
Parking Structures | 88A-2011 ed. |
Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems | 90A-2012 ed. |
Commercial Cooking Operations, Ventilation and Fire Protection | 96-2011 ed. |
Health Care Facilities | 99-2012 ed. |
Life Safety Code (with NE Amendments 11-25-19) | 101-2012 ed. |
Guide To Alternative Approaches to Life Safety | 101A-2010 ed. |
Smoke Door and other Opening Protections | 105-2010 ed. |
Emergency and Standby Power Systems | 110-2010 ed. |
Power Systems Stored Electrical Energy, Emergency and Standby Power Systems | 111-2010 ed. |
Flame Effects Before An Audience | 160-2011 ed. |
Chimneys, Fireplace, Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances | 211-2010 ed. |
Water, Cooling Towers | 214-2011 ed. |
Building Construction, Types of | 220-2012 ed. |
Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls | 221-2012 ed. |
Safeguarding of Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations | 241-2009 ed. |
Tank Entry, Cleaning, or Repair | 326-2010 ed. |
Tank Vehicles for Flammable and Combustible | 385-2012 ed. |
Hazardous Materials | 400-2010 ed. |
Aircraft Fuel Servicing | 407-2011 ed. |
Aircraft Hangars | 409-2011 ed. |
Combustible Metals | 484-2012 ed. |
Explosive Materials | 495-2010 ed. |
Manufactured Home Installations, Sites and Communities | 501A-2009 ed. |
Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids | 654-2006 ed. |
Wood Processing and Woodworking, Facilities Fire and Explosions | 664-2012 ed. |
Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response | 704-2012 ed. |
Installation of Carbon Monoxide (COD) Detection and Warning Equipment | 720-2012 ed. |
Fire Protection in Waste-water Treatment and Collection Facilities | 820-2012 ed. |
Fireworks Display | 1123-2010 ed. |
Fireworks, Manufacture, Transportation, and Storage | 1124-2006 ed. |
Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience | 1126-2011 ed. |
Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds | 1194-2011 ed. |
Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems | 2001-2012 ed. |
153 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 001
Section - .061. NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code 2001 Ed.
Subsection: 3.2.18 - Internal Valves Date Change
Subsection: - Repeal on the Prohibition on Gas Grills on Apartment Balconies (July 2006)
[1] Subsection Internal valves must be installed in the liquid and vapor openings of a container over 4000 gal (15.1m3) that is installed after July 1, 2005. Similar protection is also required for existing containers over 4000 gal (15.1m3) after July 1, 2011. Refer to for the equipment requirements. Automatic shutdown of internal valves in liquid service shall be provided using thermal (fire) actuation. The thermal element shall be within 5 ft (1.5 m) of the internal valve. At least one remote shutdown station for internal valves in liquid service shall be installed not less than 25 ft (7.6 m) or more than 100 ft (30 m) from the liquid transfer point. Emergency remote shutdown stations shall be identified by a sign incorporating the words Propane - Container Liquid Valve Emergency Shutoff in block letters of not less than 2 in. (51 mm) in height on a background of contrasting colors to the letters. The sign shall be visible from the point of transfer.
[2] Subsection Repeal the prohibition of L.P. gas grills on apartment balconies.