- Section 123-1-001 - Abandonmen
- Section 123-1-002 - Alternative design
- Section 123-1-003 - ''As-built drawings" or "Record drawings
- Section 123-1-004 - BOD5
- Section 123-1-005 - Bypass
- Section 123-1-006 - Combined sewer
- Section 123-1-007 - Complete retention
- Section 123-1-008 - Constructed wetlands
- Section 123-1-009 - Construction permit
- Section 123-1-010 - Controlled discharge lagoon
- Section 123-1-011 - Cross connection
- Section 123-1-012 - Curvilinear sewer
- Section 123-1-013 - "Design standards" or "Standards"
- Section 123-1-014 - "Discharge" or "Discharging"
- Section 123-1-015 - Domestic wastewater
- Section 123-1-016 - Facultative lagoon
- Section 123-1-017 - Freeboard
- Section 123-1-018 - Force main
- Section 123-1-019 - Gravity sewer
- Section 123-1-020 - Grinder pump
- Section 123-1-021 - Ground water
- Section 123-1-022 - Industrial
- Section 123-1-023 - Inverted siphon
- Section 123-1-024 - Land application
- Section 123-1-025 - Lift station
- Section 123-1-026 - Liner
- Section 123-1-027 - Livestock truck wash
- Section 123-1-028 - Livestock waste control facility
- Section 123-1-029 - "Mechanical WWTF" or "Mechanical plant"
- Section 123-1-030 - "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit" or "NPDES permit"
- Section 123-1-031 - 100-year flood
- Section 123-1-032 - On-site wastewater treatment systems
- Section 123-1-033 - Operator
- Section 123-1-034 - Operation and maintenance manual
- Section 123-1-035 - Overflow structure
- Section 123-1-036 - Owner
- Section 123-1-037 - Plans and specifications
- Section 123-1-038 - Potable water
- Section 123-1-039 - Pretreatment facility
- Section 123-1-040 - Primary cells
- Section 123-1-041 - Primary treatment
- Section 123-1-042 - Professional engineer
- Section 123-1-043 - Public water system
- Section 123-1-044 - Rapid infiltration cell
- Section 123-1-045 - Raw wastewater
- Section 123-1-046 - "Sanitary sewer" or "Sewer"
- Section 123-1-047 - Satellite lift station
- Section 123-1-048 - Secondary cells
- Section 123-1-049 - Seepage rate
- Section 123-1-050 - Service connection
- Section 123-1-051 - "Sewage sludge" or "Sludge"
- Section 123-1-052 - Small diameter gravity sewer
- Section 123-1-053 - Small diameter pressure sewer
- Section 123-1-054 - Solids settling pit
- Section 123-1-055 - Solids storage unit
- Section 123-1-056 - Standard specifications and plate drawings
- Section 123-1-057 - Storm sewer
- Section 123-1-058 - Synthetic liner
- Section 123-1-059 - Vegetated submerged bed constructed wetlands
- Section 123-1-060 - Wash pad
- Section 123-1-061 - Wastewater
- Section 123-1-062 - Wastewater collection systems
- Section 123-1-063 - "Wastewater cell" or "Cell"
- Section 123-1-064 - "Wastewater lagoon" or "lagoon"
- Section 123-1-065 - Wastewater solids
- Section 123-1-066 - "Wastewater treatment facility" or "WWTF"
- Section 123-1-067 - Wastewater works
- Section 123-1-068 - Water main
- Section 123-1-069 - Water well
- Section 123-1-070