97 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 008

Current through June 17, 2024
Section 97-1-008 - Appearances before the Board
008.01 A lessee or other interested party may request an appearance before the Board at their regular monthly meetings to state a request or grievance.
008.02 Request for such appearances shall be filed with the Executive Secretary 10 days prior to the next Board meeting. The time limitation may be waived if in the opinion of the Executive Secretary there exists an element of urgency for Board consideration of the request.
008.03 Upon receipt of a request for an appearance the Executive Secretary shall provide a time for a hearing on the next regular agenda. The individual will then be notified by mail of the time and date of his scheduled appearance. However, if the time limitation has been waived, notification of the individual will suffice if the party if informed by telephone or in person.
008.04 The party requesting the appearance may either represent himself or be represented by another person having appropriate authority to represent the requesting party.
008.05 Prior to the individual appearing before the Board, the Executive Secretary or his appointed representative will inform the Board of the facts concerning the individual's appearance and state the staff's position concerning the grievance or request. The requesting party will then be given an opportunity to state his position and request. The staff and/or the requesting party may produce information in the form of documents or oral testimony concerning the issue before the Board.
008.06 Prior to issuing a determination the Board may adjourn in Executive Session. However, any decision affecting the requesting party must be made by motion in open session. Should the Board feel that additional time is needed to render a determination, they may postpone action until the following Board meeting or until such time as adequate information is available to make a decision.
008.07 The requesting party will be notified of the Board's action either while present in open session or by mail. Should either the requesting party or the Board desire a formal record of the appearance, the party desiring the formal record may utilize a reporting service at the expense of the party so requesting.
008.08 The Board in its own discretion may place a time limit on the presentation of arguments.

97 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 1, § 008