As used herein the following words and terms have these meanings:
Administrator shall mean any holder of a public or nonpublic administrative certificate issued pursuant to 92 NAC 21.
Admonishment shall mean a private sanction to an educator that further unprofessional or unethical conduct may result in more serious action, including the suspension or revocation of a certificate. This sanction may be imposed by the Commissioner, Commission, or Board.
Available shall mean that which can be used or obtained.
Board shall mean the Nebraska State Board of Education.
Commission shall mean the Nebraska Professional Practices Commission.
Commissioner shall mean the Nebraska State Commissioner of Education.
Communication Skills shall mean the capacity, ability, or art of giving, or giving and receiving, through any of the senses, information, ideas, and attitudes.
Competent shall mean the ability or fitness to discharge the required duties as set forth in this chapter.
Corporal Punishment shall mean the infliction of bodily pain as a penalty for disapproved behavior. This does not include physical contact that is intended to preserve order in schools or to protect persons or property from harm.
Designated Task shall mean the duty or assignment for which an educator is responsible at any given time.
Diagnosis shall mean identification of needs, strengths and weaknesses through examination, observation and analysis.
Educator shall mean a holder of a public or nonpublic teaching, administrative, or special services certificate issued pursuant to 92 NAC 21.
Effective shall mean producing a definite, desired result.
Management shall mean controlling, supervising, and guiding the efforts of others.
Policy shall mean authorized written and dated expressions of public intent which have been communicated to the educator and which reflect the general principles guiding the efforts of the school system or school toward approved goals.
Preponderance of Evidence shall mean a superiority of weight. Weight is not a question of mathematics, but depends on its effect in inducing belief.
Reasonable shall mean just; proper. Ordinary or usual. Fit and appropriate to the end in view.
Reprimand shall mean a public sanction criticizing or rebuking an educator for unprofessional or unethical conduct. This sanction may be imposed by the Commissioner, Commission, or Board.
Revocation shall mean a public sanction canceling an educator certificate for a certain period of time. At the expiration of the revocation period, the former educator may apply for reinstatement in accordance with 92 NAC 28. This sanction may be imposed by the Board.
Special Services Provider shall mean any holder of a public or nonpublic special services certificate issued pursuant to 92 NAC 21.
Suspension shall mean a public sanction withdrawing an educator certificate for a certain period of time. The certificate is automatically reinstated at the expiration of the suspension period if it has not expired during the period of suspension. This sanction may be imposed by the Board.
Teacher shall mean any holder of a public or nonpublic certificate for teaching issued pursuant to 92 NAC 21.
92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 27, § 002