006.01 Required Elementary Instructional Program The elementary instructional program of an Interim-program school is based on state standards for student learning and consists of at least the following:
006.01AReading and Language Arts. The curriculum includes development and practice of skills and understanding in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It helps children develop appreciation of literature, creativity and expression.006.01BMathematics. The curriculum includes development, practice, and application of numeration, computation, estimation, problem solving, geometry/spatial concepts, measurement and related topics.006.01CSocial Studies. The curriculum helps children to develop an understanding of the world and its people. It includes experiences drawn from geography, history, economics, government, citizenship, career awareness, human relations, current affairs, and cultural studies. This includes instruction in American history and stories about the exploits and deeds of American heroes, singing patriotic songs, memorizing the Star-Spangled Banner and America, and reverence for the flag and proper conduct for its presentation as provided in 79-724 R.R.S.006.01DScience. The curriculum helps children develop an understanding of science concepts and processes, and includes science as inquiry. It includes experiences drawn from physical science, life science, earth and space science, science and technology, and history and nature of science.006.02 Required Middle-Grades Instructional Program The Middle Grades instructional program of an Interim-program school is based upon state standards for student learning and consists of at least the following:
006.02AReading/Language Arts. The curriculum includes experiences designed to help students expand, develop and apply reading skills introduced in the elementary grades. It includes reading both for information and enjoyment. It includes activities that engage students in using language for a variety of reading, writing, speaking, and listening purposes.006.02BMathematics. The curriculum includes practice in numeration, computation, estimation, problem solving, geometry/spatial concepts, and measurement. It introduces algebraic and statistical concepts and provides opportunities for students to develop understanding of the structure of mathematics.006.02CSocial Studies. The curriculum includes content and experiences drawn from geography, history, economics, citizenship, government, cultural studies, and current events. This includes instruction in American history that makes the course interesting and attractive and to instill a love of country as provided in 79-724 R.R.S. All history courses stress contributions of all ethnic groups in the development and growth of America.006.02DScience. The curriculum includes elements of life, physical, earth and space sciences, science as technology, and history of science. Learning activities emphasize science as inquiry and scientific processes and concepts.006.03 Required High School Program The high school instructional program of an Interim-program school is based upon state standards for student learning and consists of at least the following:
006.03ALanguage Arts. The curriculum includes written composition, critical reading, interpretation of fiction and non- fiction, oral presentation, and application of listening skills.006.03BMathematics. The curriculum includes communicating, reasoning, problem solving, numeration, computation, estimation, measurement, geometry, data analysis, probability, and statistical concepts, and algebraic concepts.006.03CSocial Science. The curriculum includes content drawn from American and world history, geography, economics, civics, government and citizenship and may also include content from other social science areas such as sociology, psychology, and anthropology. This includes instruction in the U.S. and Nebraska Constitutions, the benefits and advantages of our government, the dangers of Nazism, Communism, and similar ideologies, the duties of citizenship, and the appropriate patriotic exercises to include Lincoln birthday, Washington birthday, Flag Day, Memorial Day and Veteran Day as provided in 79-724 R.R.S. All history courses stress contributions of all ethnic groups in the development and growth of America.006.03DScience. The curriculum includes science concepts and processes, science as inquiry, physical science, life science, earth and space science, science and technology, and history and nature of science.006.03EOther. Subject fields may include foreign language, career and technical education, computer education, personal health and physical fitness, and visual and performing arts.006.04 Utilizing Different Curricula Interim-program schools may continue the curriculum of the school from which the student came, or the school which the student shall attend upon leaving the Interim-program school or use their own courses or use performance-based curriculum as described in Subsection 006.04A or some combination to assist students to continue to make academic progress toward grade promotion or graduation.
006.04APerformance-based curriculum for each course is defined in writing and includes goals, representative instructional experiences, assessments, and expected student performance for the accomplishment of the goals. The written description is approved by the governing body and is on file in the school. The performance-based curriculum provides learning opportunities for students equivalent to or greater than similar courses provided in approved or accredited schools.006.05 Local Options for Providing High School Courses 006.05AIntegrated Courses. Interim-program schools providing high school courses may provide integrated courses, as defined in Section 002.14, if the school has on file locally a description of the curriculum or course including a list of the goals, and an explanation of the subjects included.006.06 Multi-site and Distance Learning Options for Providing High School Courses Curriculum requirements for the high school may be provided through one or more of the following course options:
006.06ASynchronous Course Option: Synchronous courses are those multi-site or distance learning courses in which the teacher and student(s) are simultaneously present; can both see and hear one another; and questions may be answered and instructional accommodations made immediately. This includes: 006.06A1Teacher Sharing. Instruction provided through contractual or cooperative arrangements with other schools, educational service units, and/or postsecondary institutions in which either the teacher(s) or student(s) move to be located at the same site to provide classroom instruction provided: (a) each course is taught by a teacher holding a valid Nebraska Teaching Certificate; (b) each course is shown on the high school class schedule along with the name of the teacher; (c) at least one high school student is enrolled and participating in each course; and (d) each course is made available to all students a the school expense. A copy of the written agreement with the cooperating school/agency is on file in the school.006.06A2Interactive Audio-Visual Options. Multi-site or distance learning instruction may be met through synchronous interactive audio-visual instruction provided: (a) each course is taught by a teacher holding a valid Nebraska Teaching Certificate; (b) each course is shown on the high school class schedule along with the name of the teacher; (c) at least one high school student is enrolled and participating in the course; (d) each course is made available to all students a the school expense; and (e) a teacher holding a valid Nebraska Teaching Certificate monitors student progress and general appropriateness of the course and is present in the classroom while the course is being taught unless:006.06A2a The off-site interactive teacher holds a valid Nebraska Teaching Certificate and a school employee is present in the receiving classroom, or006.06A2b The off- site interactive teacher holds a valid Nebraska Teaching Certificate, maintains two-way audio and video communication with the distance learning classroom, and has a direct telephone connection with a supervising adult in the school.006.06BAsynchronous Course Options. Asynchronous courses are those multi-site or distance learning courses in which communication between teacher and student is delayed, as are the cases, for example with written correspondence courses and many computer-delivered courses. This includes: 006. 06B1University of Nebraska Independent Study High School Options. High school courses may be provided by teachers of the University of Nebraska Independent Study High School provided that (a) each course is shown on the high school class schedule; (b) at least one high school student is enrolled and participating in the course; (c) each course is made available to all students at the school expense; and (d) a teacher holding a valid Nebraska Teaching Certificate is present during the assigned period (one teacher may supervise more than one course) to monitor and assist with instruction.006.06B2Other Distance Learning Technology Options. Distance learning multi-site instructional units may be met through courses delivered by other methods of distance technology provided that each course is reviewed in advance and recommended for school use by a committee of at least one local teacher and one local school administrator and is approved by the governing body of the school, and the written review and statement of approval are on file in the school; and provided (a) each course is shown on the high school class schedule; (b) at least one high school student is enrolled and participating in each course; (c) each course is made available to all students at the school expense; (d) a teacher holding a valid Nebraska Teaching Certificate is present during the assigned period (one teacher may supervise more than one course) to monitor and assist with instruction; and (e) each student enrolled in such a course is assigned to a local teacher holding a Nebraska Teaching Certificate who monitors student progress and general appropriateness of the course.92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 18, § 006