The following kinds of agricultural seeds are generally labeled as to variety and shall be labeled to show the variety name or the words "Variety Not Stated," or "VNS":
Alfalfa | Millet, Proso |
Bahiagrass | Oat |
Barley | Pea, field |
Bean, field | Peanut |
Beet, field | Rape |
Brome, Smooth | Rice |
Broomcorn | Rye |
Clover, crimson | Safflower |
Clover, red | Sorghum |
Clover, white | Sorghum-Sudangrass |
Corn, field | Hybrid |
Corn, pop | Soybean |
Cotton | Sudangrass |
Cowpea | Sunflower |
Crambe | Tobacco |
Fescue, Tall | Trefoil, birdsfoot |
Flax | Triticale |
Lespedeza, striate | Wheat, common |
Millet, foxtail | Wheat, durum |
Millet, Pearl |
When two or more varieties are present in excess of five per cent (5%) and are named on the label, the names of each variety in excess of five percent (5%) shall be accompanied by the percentage of each.
25 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 7, § 011