Browse as ListSearch Within- Appendix A - Code of Federal Regulations, 9 C.F.R., Part 3 - Standards, Subpart A - Humane Handling, Care, Treatment, and Transportation of Dogs and Cats, Sections 3.1 to 3.19 (2015)
- Appendix B - Code of Federal Regulations, 9 C.F.R., Part 2 - Regulations, Subpart E - Identification of Animals, Sections 2.50 to 2.55 (2015)
- Appendix C - Record of Acquisition and Dogs and Cats on Hand, APHIS FORM 7005
- Appendix D - United States Interstate and International Certificate of Health Examination for Small Animals, APHIS FORM 7001
- Appendix E - Record of Disposition of Dogs and Cats, APHIS FORM 7006
- Appendix F - Tufts Animal Care and Condition Scales for Assessing Body Condition, Weather and Environmental Safety, and Physical Care in Dogs: SECTION II. Weather Safety Scale, SECTION III, Environmental Health Scale, and SECTION IV, Physical Care Scale
- Appendix G - Statement of Infertility
- Appendix H - Attempted Inspection Notice
- Appendix I - Veterinary Care Plan
- Appendix J - Emergency Veterinary Care Plan