273 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 8, § 006

Current through June 17, 2024

Upon proper agency authorization, up to 240 hours of compensatory time (not more than 160 hours of actual overtime hours worked) may be accumulated by an employee. Fire protection, law enforcement employees and correctional security personnel may accumulate up to 480 hours of compensatory time (not more than 320 hours of actual overtime hours worked). Time accumulated over the above noted amounts will be paid for at time and one-half rates. Payment of overtime will be paid at the employee's current hourly rate, or at the average regular rate of pay for the final three years of employment, whichever is higher. Between December 25 and December 31 of each year, an employee may elect by notifying the Agency in writing, to receive payment for unused compensatory time accumulated during the prior State fiscal year. Compensatory time hours not paid will be continued in the employee's compensatory time balance.

273 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 8, § 006

Adopted effective 12/21/2021
Amended effective 6/14/2023