Rule 37.51.603 - YOUTH FOSTER HOMES: THERAPEUTIC FOSTER HOMES(1) Therapeutic foster parents must meet all requirements for regular foster parents set forth in this rule, the requirements set forth in ARM 37.37.101, et seq., and the additional requirements in this rule and ARM 37.51.1403.(2) Therapeutic foster parents are in home treatment providers who, in addition to carrying out usual family foster parent responsibilities, implement treatment strategies and provide treatment interventions under the supervision of a therapeutic foster care agency's clinical staff according to the child's individual treatment plan.(3) Therapeutic foster care requires the availability of 24 hour per day supervision to deliver therapeutic services as needed. Parenting skills must be sufficient to meet the level of therapeutic foster care being provided, including being adequate to address the needs of the emotionally disturbed youth in the areas of behavior management, supportive counseling, and implementation of the treatment interventions identified in the child's individual treatment plan.(4) If child care arrangements are made for a child receiving therapeutic foster care for any reason, including to allow a foster parent to work or in order to provide socialization opportunities for the child, such arrangements must be approved by the child's treatment team to ensure they meet the therapeutic needs of the child.(5) Therapeutic foster parents are members of the youth's treatment team and must participate in treatment team meetings.(6) Therapeutic foster parents shall regularly document the youth's progress toward achievement of the individual treatment plan. This documentation must be put in writing and must be incorporated into the youth's case file within 30 days.(7) The department, in conjunction with the licensed child placing agency under whose jurisdiction the foster home operates, may approve the placement of children who are not approved for therapeutic foster care services with youth receiving therapeutic foster care services when: (a) placement in the therapeutic foster home will maintain an intact sibling group;(b) placement in the therapeutic foster home will maintain a parent/child relationship when the parent is a youth who is receiving therapeutic foster care services;(c) moving a child who was previously placed in the therapeutic foster home but is not receiving therapeutic foster care services is determined by the department to not be in the best interests of the child; or(d) the department and the licensed child placing agency under whose jurisdiction the foster home operates determine that a kinship placement is appropriate and an exception is granted by the regional administrator and licensing bureau chief.Mont. Admin. r. 37.51.603
NEW, 2006 MAR p. 1395, Eff. 6/2/06; AMD, 2024 MAR p. 1390, Eff. 6/8/2024AUTH: 52-1-103, 52-2-111, 52-2-601, 52-2-621, 52-2-622, MCA; IMP: 52-1-103, 52-2-102, 52-2-111, 52-2-113, 52-2-115, 52-2-601, 52-2-603, 52-2-621, MCA