Rule 32.3.227 - ELEPHANTS(1) Elephants may enter the state of Montana provided they enter in conformity with ARM 32.3.201 through 32.3.211.(2) All elephants require negative screening test approved by the state veterinarian within 12 months prior to importation into Montana.(3) Elephants with no known exposure to TB culture-positive animals in the previous five years require three negative trunk washes and culture within 12 months prior to importation.(4) Elephants exposed to TB culture-positive animals in the previous five years require three negative daily trunk washes and culture within 90 days prior to importation into Montana.(5) All test results and dates shall be recorded on or attached to all copies of the animal's health certificate.NEW, 2012 MAR p. 1262, Eff. 6/22/12; AMD, 2014 MAR p. 2955, Eff. 12/12/14.81-2-102, 81-2-103, MCA; IMP, 81-2-102, 81-2-103, MCA;