Rule 24.8.737 - INTERVENTION AND LIMITED PARTICIPATION(1) Intervention will be governed by the applicable rules of civil procedure, except that there is no intervention of right once a case has been certified to the Office of Administrative Hearings for a contested case.(2) The hearing officer may permit a party who does not seek to intervene as of right to participate in a matter in a limited capacity, but not as a party. A person who may not seek intervention as of right may be permitted to participate in a contested case in a limited manner, such as a friend of the tribunal, where such participation would not cause prejudice to a party, delay proceedings, or deny a fair hearing. In such instances, a limited participant shall not have the right to control proceedings.NEW, 2008 MAR p. 2636, Eff. 12/25/08.49-2-204, 49-3-106, MCA; IMP, 49-2-505, 49-3-315, MCA;