Mont. Admin. r. 24.301.461

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
(1) The following is the schedule of electrical inspection fees as charged by the department. As provided in ARM 24.301.203 local governments certified to enforce the electrical code may establish their own electrical permit fees.

Type of InstallationPermit Fee

(a) single-family dwellings or cabins (includes attached garage if wired at the same time as the house or cabin) A cabin is a structure designed for use for overnight stays that may not meet the definition of a dwelling unit.
(i) up to 200 amp service $200
(ii) 201 to 400 amp service 380
(iii) 401 to 600 amp service 600
(iv) 601 and up amp service 800
(b) private property accessory buildings (includes new service or upgrade of existing service for supply of power to garages, barns, sheds, etc.)
(i) up to 200 amp panel 80
(ii) 201 to 300 amp panel 150
(iii) 301 or more amp panel 250
(c) multi-family dwellings (duplex through 12 units) per bldg*
(i) Up to 200 amp service 180
(ii) 201 to 400 amp service 380
(iii) 401 to 600 amp service 580
(iv) 601 and up amp service 780

*Plus $60 per unit, up to and including 12 units.

*For buildings containing more than 12 units, use the commercial schedule that follows.

(d) multi-family dwellings (duplex through 12 units) rewire or remodel only - per dwelling unit 100
(e) single-family dwelling interior/exterior wiring/rewiring
(i) more than three circuits and change of service and/or interior panelboard 120
(ii) more than three circuits only (does not include change of service or panelboard) 100
(iii) two or three additional circuits or pieces of equipment only 70
(iv) one additional circuit or piece of equipment (hot tub, air conditioner, etc.) 45
(f) change of service
(i) exterior meterbase and interior/exterior main disconnect only 45
(ii) exterior meterbase and interior/exterior main disconnect with feeder and distribution panelboard replacement 75
(g) modular homes, mobile homes, and recreational vehicles
(i) wiring to a mobile or modular home with wiring of a basement and/or addition at the same time 120
(ii) wiring to a mobile, modular, or RV only on privately owned property 80
(iii) wiring to a mobile or RV on rental space at a licensed court with previously existing electrical service 40
(h) mobile home courts and/or recreational vehicle parks (new, rewire or addition)
(i) first 3 spaces (1-3 spaces) $45
(ii) additional spaces over 3 spaces installed at the same time (per space) 5
(i) new service and wiring for utilization equipment such as livestock well, residential irrigation well, etc. 50
(j) agricultural irrigation pumps or machines on a common surface
(i) (one pump or one pivot) 50
(ii) multiple pumps or pivots ($50 for first pump or pivot plus $25 for each additional piece of equipment supplied by a common service.) (Note: A separate permit is required for each service installed supplying either a single piece of equipment or a combination of equipment.)
(k) permit renewal fee 60
(l) refund/credit fee 25
(m) permit transfer fee 20
(n) failure to permit investigation fee 45/hour
(o) Renewable energy system: net metering system or off-grid electrical generating system (photovoltaic (PV) system, wind generator, hydro turbine, etc.)
(i) Commercial or residential installations 65
(p) all other installations (commercial, industrial, institutional, or for public use). Fees are based on total cost to the owner of all labor and materials to complete the electrical project. Electrical materials furnished by the owner must be included in the total electrical project cost:

Cost of ElectricalInstallationFee
$ 0 - $1,000 $45 for 1st $500 plus 6.0% of balance of construction cost
$ 1,001 - $10,000 $75 for 1st $1,000 plus 2.0% of balance of construction cost
$10,001 - $50,000 $255 for 1st $10,000 plus 0.5% of balance of construction cost
$50,001 or more $455 for 1st $50,000 plus 0.3% of balance of construction cost

(q) provisional construction service $60.00 (Note: A provisional construction service permit may only be closed when the permit expires and power is removed or upon the permittee obtaining a new permit applicable for the wiring of the structure being built. The utility power supplier shall be ordered by the inspector to remove power from a "Provisional construction service" upon expiration of the permit, if no additional permit has been obtained.)
(2) A requested inspection is limited to the inspection of existing electrical installations that an owner or occupant may wish to have inspected. The fee for a requested inspection is payable prior to or at the time of the inspection. The fee for a requested electrical inspection is $60, provided that such service, including all time spent preparing all paperwork furnished as documentation by the inspector regarding the inspection, is not in excess of one hour in duration, and then $30 for each 30 minutes or fractional part thereof in excess of one hour. Travel and per diem will also be charged at the rates established under Title 2, chapter 18, part 5, MCA, when considered by the department to be applicable for the situation.

Mont. Admin. r. 24.301.461

NEW, 1978 MAR p. 378, Eff. 3/25/78; AMD, 1978 MAR p. 1480, Eff. 10/27/78; AMD, 1979 MAR p. 1665, Eff. 12/28/79; AMD, 1981 MAR p. 1054, Eff. 9/18/81; TRANS, from Dept. of Admin., Ch. 352, L. 1985, Eff. 7/1/85; AMD, 1986 MAR p. 109, Eff. 1/31/86; AMD, 1987 MAR p. 2237, Eff. 12/11/87; AMD, 1994 MAR p. 670, Eff. 2/11/94; AMD, 1998 MAR p. 2563, Eff. 9/25/98; AMD, 1999 MAR p. 1885, Eff. 10/1/99; TRANS, from Commerce, & AMD, 2001 MAR p. 2293, Eff. 11/22/01; AMD, 2006 MAR p. 567, Eff. 2/24/06; AMD, 2010 MAR p. 1733, Eff. 7/30/10; AMD, 2014 MAR p. 2655, Eff. 10/24/14.

50-60-104, 50-60-203, 50-60-603, 50-60-604, MCA; IMP, 50-60-104, 50-60-203, 50-60-603, 50-60-604, MCA;