Rule 17.8.1504 - GENERAL CRITERIA FOR MONITORING DESIGN(1) To provide a reasonable assurance of compliance with emission limitations or standards for the anticipated range of operations at a pollutant-specific emissions unit, monitoring under this subchapter shall meet the following general criteria: (a) The owner or operator shall design the monitoring to obtain data for one or more indicators of emission control performance for the control device, any associated capture system and, if necessary to satisfy (1) (b) below, processes at a pollutant-specific emissions unit. Indicators of performance may include, but are not limited to, direct or predicted emissions (including visible emissions or opacity), process and control device parameters that affect control device (and capture system) efficiency or emission rates, or recorded findings of inspection and maintenance activities conducted by the owner or operator.(b) The owner or operator shall establish an appropriate range(s) or designated condition(s) for the selected indicator(s) such that operation within the range(s) provide a reasonable assurance of ongoing compliance with emission limitations or standards for the anticipated range of operating conditions. Such range(s) or condition(s) shall reflect the proper operation and maintenance of the control device (and associated capture system), in accordance with applicable design properties, for minimizing emissions over the anticipated range of operating conditions at least to the level required to achieve compliance with the applicable requirements. The reasonable assurance of compliance will be assessed by maintaining performance within the indicator range(s) or designated condition(s). The range(s) shall be established in accordance with the design and performance requirements in this rule, ARM 17.8.1505 and 17.8.1506, and documented in accordance with the requirements in 17.8.1507 and 17.8.1508. If necessary to assure that the control device and associated capture system can satisfy this criterion, the owner or operator shall monitor appropriate process operational parameters (such as total throughput where necessary to stay within the rated capacity for a control device). In addition, unless specifically stated otherwise by an applicable requirement, the owner or operator shall monitor indicators to detect any bypass of the control device (or capture system) to the atmosphere, if such bypass can occur based on the design of the pollutant-specific emissions unit.(c) The design of indicator ranges or designated conditions may be: (i) based on a single maximum or minimum value if appropriate (for example, maintaining condenser temperatures a certain number of degrees below the condensation temperature of the applicable compound(s) being processed) or at multiple levels that are relevant to distinctly different operating conditions (for example, high versus low load levels).(ii) expressed as a function of process variables (for example, an indicator range expressed as minimum to maximum pressure drop across a venturi throat in a particulate control scrubber).(iii) expressed as maintaining the applicable parameter in a particular operational status or designated condition (for example, position of a damper controlling gas flow to the atmosphere through a bypass duct).(iv) established as interdependent between more than one indicator.Mont. Admin. r. 17.8.1504
NEW, 2000 MAR p. 839, Eff. 3/31/00.75-2-217, 75-2-218, MCA; IMP, 75-2-217, 75-2-218, MCA;