- Subchapter 17.50.1 - Grants and Loans to Local Governments (§§ 17.50.101 — 17.50.119)
- Subchapter 17.50.2 - Motor Vehicle Recycling and Disposal (§§ 17.50.201 — 17.50.223)
- Subchapter 17.50.3 - State Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Planning (§ 17.50.301)
- Subchapter 17.50.4 - License and Operation Fees (§§ 17.50.401 — 17.50.416)
- Subchapter 17.50.5 - Refuse Disposal (§§ 17.50.501 — 17.50.542)
- Subchapter 17.50.6 - Procedure for Variances (§§ 17.50.601 — 17.50.611)
- Subchapter 17.50.7 - Ground Water Monitoring (§§ 17.50.701 — 17.50.726)
- Subchapter 17.50.8 - Cesspool, Septic Tank, and Privy Cleaners (§§ 17.50.801 — 17.50.820)
- Subchapter 17.50.10 - Landfill Location (§§ 17.50.1001 — 17.50.1009)
- Subchapter 17.50.11 - Landfill Operating Criteria (§§ 17.50.1101 — 17.50.1118)
- Subchapter 17.50.12 - Landfill Design Criteria (§§ 17.50.1201 — 17.50.1205)
- Subchapter 17.50.13 - Ground Water Monitoring and Corrective Action (§§ 17.50.1301 — 17.50.1312)
- Subchapter 17.50.14 - Closure and Post-Closure Care (§§ 17.50.1401 — 17.50.1405)
- Subchapter 17.50.15 - Infectious Waste (§§ 17.50.1501 — 17.50.1508)
- Subchapter 17.50.16 - Landfarm License and Operation Standards (§§ 17.50.1601 — 17.50.1622)
- Subchapter 17.50.17 - Compost License and Operation Standards (§§ 17.50.1701 — 17.50.1719)
- Subchapter 17.50.18 - TENORM (§§ 17.50.1801 — 17.50.1816)