Rule 12.6.601 - SNOWMOBILE CLOSURES(1) The lands owned or controlled by the commission lying within the following described boundaries shall be closed to trespass by snowmobiles, effective December 22, 1969. (a) Porcupine Creek area: Starting at the confluence of Elkhorn Creek and the West Gallatin River, thence southeasterly up the ridge between Elkhorn Creek and the West Gallatin River to the Elkhorn-Buffalohorn Creeks divide, thence northeasterly along said divide to the Gallatin-Yellowstone Rivers divide, thence northerly along said divide to Eaglehead Mountain and the Portal-Porcupine Creeks divide, thence northwesterly along said divide to the Levinski-Porcupine Creeks divide, thence northwesterly along said divide to the West Gallatin River, thence southerly along said river to the confluence of Elkhorn Creek, the point of beginning.(b) Exceptions to the above closure will be: (i) Use of snowmobiles to cross this area will be permitted along a route designated and marked by the U.S. Forest Service with appropriate signs. (A) The Porcupine route will follow Forest Service Trail #66, beginning at the Portal-Porcupine Creeks divide and proceeding southerly into the Porcupine Creek drainage. At approximately 3/4 mile north of the Porcupine bottom the route will bear to the east about one mile, crossing Porcupine Creek and then bearing southwest to its junction with Forest Service Trail #199, approximately one mile south of the Porcupine Creek bottom. The route will then proceed southerly along Forest Service Trail #199 to the south boundary of the closure, which is the divide between Elkhorn and Buffalohorn Creeks.(ii) Forest Service Trail #34, beginning at the Porcupine guard cabin and proceeding southeasterly up Porcupine Creek to its junction with Forest Service Trail #199, and Trail #199 from this junction southeasterly approximately one mile to its junction with the Big Sky Snowmobile Trail, will be open to snowmobile use each year on a flexible schedule depending on the distribution and concentration of elk along the Porcupine Creek bottom. The opening date will be set and advertised each year by the Forest Service officer in charge of the area in coordination with the department.(iii) The use of snowmobiles will be permitted on the area during any regular or special hunting season if so designated and directed by the commission.(2) The lands owned or controlled by the commission lying within the following described boundaries shall be closed to trespass by snowmobiles, effective December 22, 1969. (a) Tepee-Meadow Creek area: Beginning at the Yellowstone National Park boundary at the mouth of Monument Creek, thence southwesterly up said creek to Forest Service Trail #52, thence southwesterly along said trail to Trail #115, thence northwesterly along said trail to the center of section 24, township 9 south, range 4 east, thence due west approximately two mile to interception with Trail #113, thence northwesterly along said trail to Trail #11 in the Sage Creek bottom, thence due west approximately 3/4 mile to interception of Trail #1, thence southwest along said trail to its junction with the wire fence forming the north boundary of the Wapiti cattle allotment, thence northwesterly along said fence to the Wapiti road, thence northerly along said road to the Taylor Fork road, thence westerly along said road to the Cache Creek road, thence northwesterly along said road and trail to the Cache-Indian Creeks divide, thence northerly along said divide to the Buck-Dead Horse Creeks divide, thence easterly along said divide to the Buck-Meadow Creeks divide, thence along said divide to the Meadow-Cinnamon Creeks divide, thence southeasterly to the Taylor Fork-Gallatin River divide, thence northeasterly along said divide to the Gallatin River north of the Covered Wagon ranch, thence northerly along said river to the south ridge of Wilson Draw, thence southeasterly along said ridge to Grouse Mountain and the Wilson Draw-Tepee Creeks divide, thence northeasterly along said divide to the Tepee-Buffalohorn Creeks divide, thence easterly along said divide to the Daly-Buffalohorn Creeks divide and the Yellowstone National Park boundary, thence southerly and southeasterly along said boundary to the mouth of Monument Creek, the point of beginning.(b) Exceptions to the above closure will be: (i) Use of snowmobiles to cross this area will be permitted along a route designated and marked by the Forest Service with appropriate signs. (A) This route will begin at the Tepee-Buffalohorn pass in section 31, township 8 south, range 5 east, thence southerly along Forest Service Trail #12 to U.S. Highway 191, thence northwesterly alongside said highway to the Taylor Fork road, thence westerly along said road to the Wapiti road, thence southerly along said road to the Carrot Basin (Little Wapiti) oil road, thence southeasterly along said road to its junction with the wire fence forming the north boundary of the Wapiti cattle allotment, this being the south boundary of the closed area.(ii) The use of snowmobiles will be permitted on the area during any regular or special hunting season if so designated and directed by the commission.Sec. 87-1-303 MCA; IMP, Sec. 87-1-303 MCA;