Rule 12.11.1408 - RYAN DAM(1) Ryan Dam is located in Cascade County on the Missouri River and forms Ryan Reservoir.(2) The waters 500 feet above the dam to 100 feet below the waterfalls are closed to all boating, sailing, floating and swimming. The closed waters will be identified and delineated by positive boat restraining systems or signs.(3) All river and stream channel areas near the dam are closed to all public access below the ordinary high-water mark as defined by 23-2-301, MCA, from the dam to the east end of Ryan Island and will be identified by signs or fences installed by the owner or operator of the dam.Mont. Admin. r. 12.11.1408
NEW, 2003 MAR p. 2854, Eff. 11/27/03.23-1-106, 87-1-303, MCA; IMP, 23-1-106, 87-1-303, MCA;