Rule 10.53.608 - ARTS CONTENT STANDARDS FOR SIXTH THROUGH EIGHTH GRADES(1) The media arts content standards for sixth through eighth grades are that each student will: (a) produce ideas, goals, and solutions for original media artworks;(b) analyze ideas, plans, prototypes, and creative processes for media arts productions;(c) improve the technical quality of media artworks by selecting expressive and stylistic elements to reflect an understanding of purpose, audience, and place;(d) integrate multiple content areas and forms into media artwork productions that convey perspectives, themes, and narratives;(e) demonstrate a range of skills and roles in creating and performing media arts presentations;(f) analyze results of and improvements for presenting media artworks;(g) evaluate the qualities of and relationships between the components and style in media artworks;(h) compare and contrast the intent of a variety of media artworks and how they impact understanding of one's own culture and other cultures;(i) compare and contrast media artworks and production processes to context and artistic goals;(j) analyze how media artworks expand meaning and knowledge, create cultural experiences, and influence local and global events; and(k) compare how media artworks and ideas relate to various contexts, purposes, and values.(2) The visual arts content standards for sixth through eighth grade are that each student will: (a) design project steps and criteria to reach an identified goal and investigate personally relevant content for art-making;(b) demonstrate awareness of issues and ethics of appropriation as they create artworks and design;(c) apply criteria to plan revisions for artwork or design;(d) compare similarities and differences associated with preserving and presenting two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and digital artwork;(e) evaluate methods for preparing and presenting artwork based on criteria;(f) explain and cite evidence about how exhibits reflect history and values of a community;(g) explain how a person's aesthetic choices are influenced by culture and environment;(h) collaborate to interpret artworks;(i) develop criteria to evaluate artwork;(j) use art to express ideas and current interests; and(k) distinguish different ways that artworks represent, establish, reinforce, and reflect group identity.(3) The theatre arts content standards for sixth through eighth grades are that each student will: (a) develop a character in a drama or theatre work;(b) demonstrate leadership and collaboration when developing a drama or theatre work;(c) analyze scripted drama and theatre works;(d) identify the essential events in a story or script that make up the dramatic structure; (e) analyze how technical elements enhance drama and theatre works;(f) perform a rehearsed drama or theatre work for an audience;(g) evaluate the artistic choices in drama and theatre works;(h) analyze how cultural perspectives influence the evaluation of drama and theatre work;(i) evaluate drama and theatre works using supporting evidence;(j) research how cultural perspectives, community ideas, and personal beliefs impact a drama or theatre work; and(k) use different forms of drama and theatre work to examine contemporary, social, cultural, or global issues.(4) The music content standards for sixth through eighth grades, when a district incorporates or integrates music into district curriculum or offers an elective course in general music, performance-based classes, music technology, or music theory, are that each student will: (a) generate rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic phrases and harmonic accompaniments;(b) select musical ideas for arrangements, songs, and compositions;(c) evaluate personal musical ideas;(d) evaluate the structure of contrasting pieces of music selected for performance;(e) rehearse and determine when music is ready to perform;(f) perform music with technical accuracy, expression, and culturally respectful practices to convey the composer's intent;(g) compare connections between musical selections for a specific purpose;(h) compare how composers and performers interpret expressive qualities of music to create performances;(i) develop criteria to evaluate musical works and performances;(j) evaluate how personal connections inform creation, performance, and response to music; and(k) evaluate connections between music and historical and cultural context.(5) The dance content standards for sixth through eighth grade are that each student will: (a) create an original dance;(b) create an original dance that communicates an idea;(c) revise movements in dance sequences based on artistic criteria;(d) present dance sequences from a variety of genres and styles;(e) execute and coordinate technical dance skills in performance;(f) collaborate with others to design and execute a dance production;(g) explain how the elements of dance are used to communicate intent in a variety of genres or styles;(h) explain relationships among the elements of dance that support intent;(i) use criteria to determine what makes an effective performance;(j) create a movement sequence of two contrasting ideas; and(k) analyze how dances from a variety of cultures and time periods reveal ideas and perspectives.Mont. Admin. r. 10.53.608
NEW, 2016 MAR p. 1387, Eff. 7/1/2017AUTH: Mont. Const. Art. X, sec. 9, 20-2-114, MCA; IMP: Mont. Const. Art. X, sec. 9, 20-2-121, 20-3-106, 20-7-101, MCA