Mo. Code Regs. tit. 3 § 10-10.724

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 3 CSR 10-10.724 - Nonresident Mississippi River Roe Fish Commercial Harvest Permit

PURPOSE: This rule establishes a special permit required in addition to the Commercial Fishing Permit for nonresidents of the state to harvest shovelnose sturgeon from the Mississippi River.

Required for nonresidents of Missouri in addition to the Commercial Fishing Permit to take, possess, and sell bowfin, paddlefish, and shovel nose sturgeon and their eggs from the Mississippi River in accordance with 3 CSR 10-10.725; except that any person properly licensed to harvest shovel nose sturge on by the state of Illinois may fish within, and harvest shovel nose sturgeon from, the Missouri portion of the Mississippi River adjacent to Illinois as permitted by this Code. Fee: three thousand seven hundred and seventy-three dollars ($3,773).

3 CSR 10-10.724

AUTHORITY: sections 40 and 45 of Art. I V, Mo. Const. and section 252.240, RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Sept. 14, 2005, effective Feb. 28, 2006. Amended: Filed May 23, 2006, effective June 15, 2006. Amended: Filed Sept. 27, 2007, effective Feb. 29, 2008. Amended: Filed Oct. 10, 2008, effective July 1, 2009. Amended: Filed March 12, 2010, effective Aug. 30, 2010.
Amended by Missouri Register October 16, 2023/volume 48, Number 20, effective 11/30/2023.

*Original authority: 252.240, RSMo 1972, amended 1984.