PURPOSE: This rule prescribes the procedure for requesting a rehearing of a final order or a reconsideration of a procedural or interlocutory order of the commission and the disposition of that request.
20 CSR 4240-2.160
AUTHORITY: section 386.410, RSMo 2000.* This rule originally filed as 4 CSR 240-2.160. Original rule filed Dec. 19, 1975, effective Dec. 29, 1975. Amended: Filed Nov. 7, 1984, effective June 15, 1985. Rescinded and readopted: Filed March 10, 1995, effective Nov. 30, 1995. Rescinded and readopted: Filed Aug. 24, 1999, effective April 30, 2000. Amended: Filed March 2, 2011, effective Oct. 30, 2011 . Moved to 20 CSR 4240-2.160, effective Aug. 28, 2019.
*Original authority: 386.410, RSMo 1939, amended 1947, 1977, 1996.