Mo. Code Regs. tit. 20 § 2030-11.020

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 20 CSR 2030-11.020 - Professional Land Surveyor-Renewal and Reactivation of Licensure

PURPOSE: This rule is being amended to delete reference to section 327.351.6(1), RSMo, in subsection (3)(A) and reference to subparagraph 2 of section 327.351.6, RSMo, in subsection (3)(B). It also adds reference to retired status to be consistent with other rules.

(1) Licenses not renewed on or before the renewal date become non-current and subject to the provisions of section 327.351, RSMo. No person is entitled to practice as a professional land surveyor unless he/she holds a current and active license.
(2) In order to renew a license, the licensee must:
(A) Submit a completed renewal application form furnished by the board; and
(B) Pay the required fee; provided however, no fee need be paid by a licensee who is at least seventy-five (75) years of age at the time the renewal is due; and
(C) Submit a completed Professional Development Unit ("PDU") form furnished by the board verifying that the licensee has completed at least twenty (20) PDUs during the preceding two (2) calendar years unless otherwise exempted.
(3) Licensees, who so attest on their renewal that they are retired from active practice or are not engaged in the active practice of land surveying, may place their license in an inactive status pursuant to section 327.351.5, RSMo. Those doing so cannot practice but can still retain the title of professional land surveyor and use the letters "PLS" behind their name. Such professional land surveyor may, however, reenter practice only after paying the required fee and satisfying the board of their proficiency. Proficiency may be established by any one (1) of the following:
(A) Completes the PDU requirements as described in board rule 20 CSR 2030-8.020; or
(B) Successfully completes the Missouri Specific Examination for professional land surveyors pursuant to section 327.351.6(2), RSMo.

20 CSR 2030-11.020

AUTHORITY: section 327.041, RSMo Supp. 2006.* This rule originally filed as 4 CSR 30-11.020. Original rule filed June 15, 2001, effective Jan. 30, 2002. Moved to 20 CSR 2030-11.020, effective Aug. 28, 2006. Amended: Filed June 14, 2007, effective Dec. 30, 2007.
Amended by Missouri Register August 15, 2018/Volume 43, Number 16, effective 10/1/2018

*Original authority: 327.041, RSMo 1969, amended 1981, 1986, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2001.