PURPOSE: This rule permits a declaration of calorie content to provide better information to pet food purchasers.
ME (kcal/kg) = 10[(3.5 x CP)
+(8.5 x CF)+(3.5 x NFE)]
where-CP = % crude protein as fed
CF = % crude fat as fed
NFE = % nitrogen-free extract (carbohydrate) as fed
and the percentages of CP and CF are the arithmetic averages from proximate analyses of at least four (4) production batches of the product, and the NFE is calculated as the difference between one hundred (100) and the sum of C P, CF and the percentages of crude fiber, moisture and ash (determined in the same manner as CP and CF). The results of all the analyses used in the calculation must accompany the affidavit, and the claim on the label or other labeling must be followed parenthetically by the word "calculated"; or
2 CSR 70-31.080
*Original authority 1972 amended 1993, 1995.