PURPOSE: This rule is necessary to set forth the contents of any course of instruction for the private applicator which is to be approved by the director. The approval is provided for in section 281.040, RSMo 1986. This rule sets forth the contents of any course of instruction, plus the standards of competence to be covered during the course of instruction. A method for the verification of private applicator training is set forth in this rule also.
(1) Certified private applicators shall attend a course of instruction approved by the director as required by section 281.040, RSMo (1986). The course of instruction shall encompass the standards of competence as provided in section (2) of this rule. Private applicators also shall be instructed as to the general pest problems and general pest control practices associated with agricultural operations, proper storage, application, handling and disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers and the legal responsibilities of private applicators.(2) Standards of Competence. (A) The recognition of common agricultural pests and the recognition of the damage caused by these pests;(B) The reading and understanding of the label and labeling information, including the common name of the pesticide; the pest to be controlled; timing and methods of the application of the pesticide; safety precautions; pre-harvest intervals; reentry intervals and disposal procedures for pesticides and pesticide containers;(C) The application of pesticides in accordance with label and labeling instructions and warnings, including the ability to prepare the proper concentration of the pesticides to be used under particular circumstances, taking into account factors such as the area to be covered, speed in which application equipment will be driven and the quantity to disperse in a given period of operation;(D) The recognition of local environmental situations that must be considered during application to avoid contamination; and(E) The recognition of poisoning symptoms and procedures to follow in case of a pesticide accident.(3) Attendance of an approved course of instruction by the private applicator shall be verified by the signature of the instructor and the signature of the private applicator on a verification document provided by the director. The document shall be forwarded to the Missouri Department of Agriculture as proof of attendance. Upon receipt of the document of verification of attendance, the director shall forward to the private applicator a certified private applicator license. AUTHORITY: section 281.040, RSMo 1986.* Original rule filed May 12, 1976, effective Oct. 21, 1976. *Original authority: 281.040, RSMo 1974, amended 1977, 1988.