Chapter 21 - Requirements for the Missouri Dairy Law
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.010 - Proper Identification of Cream Containers
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.011 - Specifications for the Construction and Operation of Facilities and Installation of Equipment for the Production and Processing of Manufacturing Milk and Milk Products
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.020 - Testing of Cream for Extraneous Matter
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.021 - Protection and Transportation of Raw Milk and Cream
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.030 - Specifications for Bulk Milk Tanks and Bulk Milk Tank Rooms
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.031 - Provisional Licensing for Fieldmen, Grader and Bulk Milk Truck Operator
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.040 - Protection and Transportation of Raw Milk and Cream
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.041 - Dairy Manufacturing Plant and/or Dairy Manufacturing Farm and Personnel Licensure
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.050 - Use of Standard Methods for the Examination of Milk and Dairy Products
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.051 - Daily or Random Fresh Milk Sampling for Market Testing
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.060 - Requirements for Farm Certification for the Production of Manufacturing Milk
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.065 - Quality Specifications for Raw Milk
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.070 - Stainless Steel and Heat Resistant Glass for Milk Lines and Fittings, Designed for Cleaning in Place (CIP) Where so Used
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.080 - Provisional Licensing for Field Supervisor, Tester-Grader-Sampler and Milk Hauler
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.085 - Basis of Licensure for Buying of Milk by Plants, Buyers and Brokers
- Section 2 CSR 30-21.090 - Daily or Random Fresh Milk Sampling for Market Testing