PURPOSE: This rule establishes up-to-date sanitation standards for food-service establishments designated in Chapter 196, RSMo using the federal Food and Drug Administration 1999 Food Code.
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The secretary of state has determined that the publication of the entire text of the material which is incorporated by reference as a portion of this rule would be unduly cumbersome or expensive. This material as incorporated by reference in this rule shall be maintained by the agency at its headquarters and shall be made available to the public for inspection and copying at no more than the actual cost of reproduction. This note applies only to the reference material. The entire text of the rule is printed here.
19 CSR 20-1.025
*Original authority 192.006, RSMo 1993, amended 1995; 192.020, RSMo 1939, amended 1945, 1951, 2004; 196.190, RSMo 1939; 196.195, RSMo 1939; 196.210, RSMo 1939; 196.220, RSMo 1939; 196.225, RSMo 1939, amended 1977; 196.230, RSMo 1939; 196.235, RSMo 1939; 196.240, RSMo 1939; 196.245, RSMo 1939; 196.250, RSMo 1939; and 196.265, RSMo 1939.