Chapter 50 - General
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.010 - Definitions
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.020 - General Instructions
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.030 - Fees
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.040 - Forms
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.050 - Application for Registration as Broker-Dealer of Securities
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.060 - Computation of Net Capital, Aggregate Indebtedness and Ratio of Aggregate Indebtedness to Net Capital
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.070 - Broker-Dealer, Agent, Investment Adviser Statutory Bond
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.080 - Request for Withdrawal from Registration as Broker-Dealer
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.090 - Application for Registration as an Investment Adviser
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.100 - Appointment of Agent by Broker-Dealer or Issuer
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.110 - Application for Registration as Agent
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.120 - Application for Renewal Registration as Agent
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.130 - Registration of Securities by Notification
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.140 - Application for Registration of Securities by Coordination
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.150 - Application for Registration of Securities by Qualification
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.160 - Investment Company Report of Sales
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.170 - In the Matter of the Condition of
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.180 - Individual Affidavit
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.190 - Appointment of the Commissioner of Securities to Acknowledge and Receive Service of Process
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.200 - Supplemental Sheet to Agent's Application
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.210 - Statement of Claim for the Exemption of Securities of a Cooperative Association
- Section 15 CSR 30-50.220 - Application for Exception From Definition of Agent for Sellers of Agricultural Cooperative Securities