PURPOSE: For new hire reporting purposes under section 285.300, RSMo, this rule defines "newly hired employee" in accordance with The Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011 ( Public Law 112-40 ) amendment to section 453A(a)(2) of the Social Security Act.
(1) "Newly hired employee" means an employee who- (A) Has not previously been employed by the employer; or(B) Was previously employed by the employer but has been separated from such prior employment for at least sixty (60) consecutive days. AUTHORITY: section 454.400.2(5), RSMo 2000.* Emergency rule filed Sept. 16, 2013, effective Sept. 26, 2013, expired March 24, 2014. Original rule filed Sept. 16, 2013, effective Feb. 28, 2014. *Original authority: 454.400, RSMo 1982, amended 1985, 1986, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1997.