Mo. Code Regs. tit. 11 § 10-11.230

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 11 CSR 10-11.230 - Emergency Notification of Releases of Hazardous Substances and Extremely Hazardous Substances

PURPOSE: This rule establishes a statewide emergency telephone number to notify Missouri whenever a hazardous substance emergency occurs and specifies the requirements for emergency notification and follow-up written notices in the event of a hazardous substance emergency, the release of a reportable quantity of a hazardous substance and the release of a reportable quantity of an extremely hazardous substance.

(1) Any person required to report the release of a hazardous substance or extremely hazardous substance in accordance with Section 304 of the Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) shall meet this requirement by notifying the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) at 314/634-2436 as specified in 10 CSR 24-3.010 and shall provide such information as specified in 10 CSR 24-3.010(1) to the MDNR and to the emergency coordinator for the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) for any area likely to be affected by the release. If there is no LEPC or if a local emergency contact has not been designated by the LEPC, notification shall be provided to the appropriate local emergency response personnel.
(2) Any person required to provide an emergency notification under 11 CSR 10-11.230(1) shall provide a written follow-up emergency notice (or notices as more information becomes available) to the department and any affected LEPC. This written notice(s) shall contain the information described in 10 CSR 24-3.010(3). Also, written follow-up notice(s) shall be provided to the MDNR upon request of the MDNR.

11 CSR 10-11.230

AUTHORITY: section 292.613, RSMo 2000. This rule previously filed as 11 CSR 404.030. Original rule filed Nov. 30, 1983, effective April 12, 1984. Emergency amendment filed Dec. 2, 1992, effective Jan. 1, 1993, expired April 30, 1993. Amended: Filed Oct. 5, 1992, effective April 8, 1993. Amended: Filed Nov. 5, 1993, effective June 6, 1994. Changed to 11 CSR 10-11.230. Amended: Filed Dec. 19, 2001, effective June 30, 2002.

*Original authority: 292.613, RSMo 1988, amended 1993, 1995.