Mo. Code Regs. tit. 10 § 90-2.010

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 10 CSR 90-2.010 - Definitions

PURPOSE: This amendment adds a definition of group camp.

(1) General Definitions.
(A) Animals.
1. Dangerous animal means an animal, domestic or wild, not under restraint, even temporarily, that has, without provocation, approached in a threatening, menacing, or terrorizing manner any person or domestic animal.
2. Quarantine means to keep an animal in a pen, building, or other secure enclosure from which the animal cannot escape and that keeps the animal from coming into contact with humans or other animals outside the area of confinement.
3. Vicious animal means an animal, domestic or wild, which has without provocation bitten, inflicted injury, assaulted, or otherwise attacked or endangered the safety of a human being or domestic animal.
(B) Designated swim areas are water areas provided for the enjoyment of swimmers, bathers and sunbathers. Designated swim areas include swimming pools, the fenced area surrounding swimming pools, lakes in which an area is marked or enclosed dedicating its use to swimming, bathing or sunbathing, and beaches adjacent to any lake's enclosed swimming area.
(C) Director, as used in these rules, shall refer to the director of the Division of State Parks.
(D) Division, as used in these rules, shall refer to the Division of State Parks.
(E) Facility manager. The person directing the overall management, safety and operation of a state park or historic site. Normally, that person's title will be park superintendent or historic site administrator, but other persons may be assigned in the absence of such personnel.
(F) Nonprofit group is any group that has been incorporated (not-for-profit) in the state of Missouri.
(G) Off-road vehicle (ORV) area is a designated area where ATVs and motorcycles may be operated off of park roads and thoroughfares.
(H) Park rangers. Peace officers assigned to manage the law enforcement needs of state parks and historic sites, who are appointed under authority of 253.065, RSMo, to enforce laws and provide law enforcement services on all lands and waters under the control of the Department of Natural Resources and all roadways within said boundaries.
(I) Park staff is any person employed either full or part time by the Division of State Parks or any person volunteering services under the supervision of full-time park employees, but not prison laborers or court-appointed laborers. In areas of state parks or historic sites that are under the control of a concessionaire, the concessionaire or his/her employees are also considered park staff for the enforcement of these rules.
(J) Person. The word "person" wherever used in these rules shall be construed to mean any person (including a minor), partnership, joint-stock company, corporation, unincorporated association or society or municipal or other corporation of any character whatsoever.
(K) Persons with a disability. Those people, as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(L) Special management regulations are special rules enacted at one or more parks designed to improve management, protect resources, or assist with our mission for providing a safe, pleasant, recreational experience. Such rules may apply to campgrounds, picnic areas, shelter houses, and other recreational/management zones. Special management regulations shall be posted in the park/site area where they apply.
(M) Trails are recognizable routes intentionally developed and designated for certain modes of travel and are signed indicating their appropriate use.
(N) Vehicles (Non-Licensed).
1. All terrain vehicle (ATV) is a motorized vehicle having a maximum width of 50 inches and a maximum weight of 600 pounds designed to be operated off-road, with handlebar steering and a seat that is straddled by the operator. An ATV may be equipped with two, three, or more tires. This definition includes motorcycles designed for off-road operation.
2. Electrically-assisted pedal-powered vehicle. Any of the above self-propelled vehicles containing an electric motor designed to assist or supplement pedaling, and which shall not exceed a speed of 20 miles per hour.
3. Pedal-powered vehicle. A vehicle consisting of a tubular metal frame mounted on one, two, or three wire-spoked wheels equipped with handlebars and a saddlelike seat, and propelled by foot pedals, more commonly known as a unicycle, bicycle, or tricycle.
4. Powered-mobility vehicle. An electrically powered vehicle or device designed to accommodate or transport persons with disabilities, which includes wheelchairs and scooters, but does not include electric golf carts or utility vehicles.
(2) Camping Definitions.
(A) Basic Campsite. A basic campsite is one that includes a parking pad, fire grill, picnic table and lantern post.
(B) Camping is a recreational activity in which temporary outdoor living can be experienced.
(C) Camping day is any portion of a 24 hour period beginning at 3:00 p.m. that a camper occupied a campsite. Campers arriving prior to 3:00 a.m. shall be required to pay the camping fee.
(D) Camping fee is the fee charged campers for each camping day they occupy a site, which is based on available utilities.
(E) Designated campsites are those which are designated by numbered posts.
(F) Electric campsite. An electric campsite is one that includes an electric power supply in addition to the items listed for a basic campsite.
(G) Equestrian camps are areas designated to accommodate campers with horses, donkeys and mules.
(H) Overflow camping areas are designated to accommodate campers who arrive after all designated campsites are full. This is normally an unimproved area such as an open field.
(I) Sewer/electric campsite. A sewer/electric campsite is one that includes a sewer connection in addition to the items listed for an electric campsite.
(J) Travel camp refers to organized travel camping groups. Campsites for use by such groups are administered through special management regulations.
(K) Youth camp area. A youth camp area is usually an area with minimal development designed specifically for use by scouts and other nonprofit youth organizations.
(3) Group Camping Definitions.
(A) Group camp. A group facility within a state park or historic site that can accommodate organized groups such as nonprofit youth groups, school and church groups, families, and weddings. Group camps include features such as a dining hall with a kitchen, sleeping cabins or barracks, restrooms, and showers.
(B) Camp director. The person from the using group designated as the authority responsible for the entire camping program.
(C) New group. For the purpose of group camping applications, a new group is considered to be any group that did not use the requested group camp in the prior year, requested additional or new camp dates, or failed to respond during the preferred application period.
(D) Group camp swim areas are:
1. A swimming pool, which is an engineered structure whose primary use is for swimming; or
2. Any beach or water facility located on a lake and dedicated solely for use by group campers.
(4) Jacob L. Babler Organized Group Center Definitions.
(A) Center in the following text always refers to the Jacob L. Babler Organized Group Center located in Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park, Wildwood, Missouri. The primary mission of the center is to serve disabled or inclusionary groups.
(B) Center administrator. This person is the special organized group center administrator as set forth by the Missouri state merit system. The center administrator is the employee responsible for the operation of the center.

10 CSR 90-2.010

AUTHORITY: section 253.035, RSMo 2000.* This version filed Dec. 31, 1975, effective 1/10/1976. Amended: Filed June 10, 1981, effective 9/11/1981. Amended: Filed March 18, 1987, effective 7/23/1987. Emergency amendment filed April 10, 1987, effective 4/20/1987, expired 7/15/1987. Rescinded and readopted: Filed Oct. 26, 2000, effective 6/30/2001.
Amended by Missouri Register January 17, 2023/Volume 48, Number 2, effective 2/28/2023

*Original authority: 253.035, RSMo 1961, amended 1967, 1983, 1993, 1995.