PURPOSE: This rulemaking will accomplish amending 10 CSR 24- 1.010 in compliance with executive order 17-03 and is being under- taken per the Red Tape Reduction Initiative. This amendment will eliminate three (3) of three (3) restrictive words identified by the Red Tape Initiative, will maintain language required by 260.500-260.550, RSMo, and eliminates duplication with statute.
PURPOSE: This rule provides the source of authority and contact information for the Hazardous Substance Emergency Response Office.
Among its operations, the Hazardous Substance Emergency Response Office performs the following administrative and technical functions: develop and adopt rules relating to hazardous substance emergencies; develop and update the state Hazardous Substance Emergency Response plan in cooperation with other state agencies and other affected persons; respond to, investigate, document, and take action regarding hazardous substance emergencies in accordance with sections 260.500-260.550, RSMo; provide technical assistance to other state agencies, to political subdivisions of the state, and to other persons upon request for the prevention, control, and response to hazardous substance emergencies; enter into agreements with state, local, and federal agencies, and with other persons as necessary to develop and implement the Hazardous Substance Emergency Response Plan and to implement sections 260.500-260.550, RSMo; monitor the statewide telephone used to notify Missouri whenever a hazardous substance emergency occurs; notify appropriate agencies of hazardous substance emergencies; and cooperate with appropriate units of government and other persons to prevent the occurrence and improve response to hazardous substance emergencies.
10 CSR 24-1.010
*Original authority 1983, amended 1993, 1995.